The Story So Far - May 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 3rd, 2008

log: Jack and Hank. [May. 3rd, 2008|01:26 am]
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Who: NPC!Hank and Jack
What: Hank wins the bet.
When: Thursday AND Friday
prerequisite reading: Phil made a bet with Hank, Hank harassing Jackie at the Grown Up's Party

Whoa, hey, did Hank McCoy just steal his muffin? )
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log; may and jack [May. 3rd, 2008|01:44 pm]
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Who; May and Jack
When; Friday afternoon (May 2nd)
Where; The Rec Room
What; Jack says lots of good things about Phil, and then May's all, "Oh, honey, that's wonderful. I'mma go talk to Normie now." And then they yell at each other (so if anyone heard that, feel free) before deciding to go to friend things together.

I love you, you stubborn bitch. )
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log; may and normie [May. 3rd, 2008|11:56 pm]
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Who; May Parker and Normie Osborn
When; May 3rd, evening
Where; Some bowling alley
What; Normie and May go on a date -- which ends in renting a room, but you don't see that.

He really does want to make things good with May, even though he does have such thrilling dreams about murdering her father. )
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