The Story So Far - April 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 29th, 2008

thread - Sean and open! [Apr. 29th, 2008|09:25 am]

Who: Sean Madrox and open
Where: starting out at the front steps to the classroom building.
When: Tuesday afternoon
What: Alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all our problems!
Rating: PG-13 for impending drinking and debauchery?

Maybe he'd hoard it all to himself, like a leprechaun with his gold. )

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[Apr. 29th, 2008|01:48 pm]
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WHO: Eiko and whomever picks up that phone!
WHAT: Eiko get off the plane and calls the only person she knows of in the states: Logan.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Phone booth in Kennedy International Airport. Receiving End: The Academy.

Logan. His name was Logan. )

[Open to whomever picks up that phone!]

ooc: Logan is not around right now. Have fun, Quin! :-)
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log: Phil & Jack [Apr. 29th, 2008|04:52 pm]
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Who: Phil. Jack. You know the drill.
What: Jack meets Phil at work and takes the subway home with him. They talk about: Devil worshiping, delivery of puppies, and maybe sit too close. Character development!
When: Tuesday, late afternoon.
Where: The city, on the subway.

We should kill her and sacrifice her to the devil... )
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log: David, Jennifer, and Hank! [Apr. 29th, 2008|05:02 pm]
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Who: David Samson (who is totally knocked out), Jennifer Walters (npc), and Hank McCoy (npc)
What: Remember this? Well, Jen finds her boy, he's been shot and who can she turn to?! Hank McCoy, quite the capable man that he is, patches Dave up. THIS IS THAT LOG.
When: I think ... Monday night?
Where: The Academy, medlabs.

She'll fix that door later. )
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