The Story So Far - April 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 27th, 2008

log: Richard and Joan. [Apr. 27th, 2008|01:43 am]


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Who: Richard, Joan, and a crazed St. John (but only for a little bit)
What: Joan is upset so she goes to her Mentor/Pseudo-boyfriend. St. John bursts in, yells a bit, then leaves.
Where: Richard's room.
When: Friday (the 25th) evening.
Rating: Just language! I promise!

Is this what you call training? ... This is what I call sleeping with your daughter. I train her outside. )
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log! normie and jack. [Apr. 27th, 2008|03:00 am]
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Who: Normie, Jack, and special guest star PHIL.
What: Jack threatens Normie's life. Normie doesn't give a hoot. He tells Jack he's Totally Sane now, tattoos or no.
When: Saturday night, pretty late.
Where: Faculty building.

Does anyone really like unicorns? )
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log: Rosie/Jay [Apr. 27th, 2008|03:14 am]
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Who; Rosie and Jay.
What; Rosie is upset after Phil's dinner with her. She eats cookies and Jay finds her. He tries to convince her that she didn't turn WHOEVER this guy is gay, and that all girls are a little gay by nature. They fall asleep and Jay hopes someone finds them in the morning and thinks they totally had sex. They didn't, though.
When; Friday night!
Where; The Xavier building, I'm guessing!

Check your woman before you sleep with her. Show her a picture of Suri and see what she does. )
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thread: Andi, Joan, Sarah, Evelyn [Apr. 27th, 2008|11:31 am]


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Joan barely even tolerated sharing a room with Andi. Nothing against the girl herself. Before Joan came to the school, she never had a roommate. No siblings, not even pesky cousins on weekends. She can deal with Andi. Up to a point. But that's what the common rooms are for. Or somewhere outside. Or Richard's room. Always a place to run! However, right at this very moment, Joan has no place to run.

It's near the time when normal people to go sleep. Joan sits on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest. She watches the other girls moving around and seeing to their bedtime rituals. Joan's rituals consist of washing her face and pulling her hair back. That's all. Her pajamas appear to be quite old, jogging pants and a shirt that says "CONEY ISLAND LITTLE LEAGUE" on the front and "ALLERDYCE" on the back. Yeah, that's pretty old. She feels quite unglamorous right now. And perhaps a little frightened of the other girls in this room.

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log; may and phil [Apr. 27th, 2008|02:52 pm]
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Who; May Parker and Phil McCoy
When; April 27th, morning
Where; The Kitchen
What; May kind of gives Phil The Talk. It's rather cute.

He really likes you, too. Which I think is great, even if it means I can't sleep in his bed anymore. )
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Log: Jack & Phil [Apr. 27th, 2008|11:42 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock and Phil McCoy
When: Late evening, Sunday, April 27
Where: Jack's room... Jack's bed
What: Phil's sleeping there. So they have a somewhat important chat. :)

You're okay with people thinking we're homoerotic devil-worshippers? )
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