The Story So Far - April 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 19th, 2008

LOG: Duckie and YOU! [Apr. 19th, 2008|01:23 am]
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WHO: Duckie and YOU? Come on. You know you wanna. =) (small cameo by Warren Worthington III)
WHAT: Coming home the hard way
WHEN: oh, today... sometime in the afternoon
WHERE: outside the school, you'll hear her coming.

Bad Landings )
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log: Joan & Richard [Apr. 19th, 2008|03:13 am]


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Who: Joan and Richard
What: This conversation lead to Joan tagging along with Richard to shop for groceries. They discuss the "nosy jerks" they live with. Then they go home... to Richard's room?
When: 1am, Friday night/Saturday.

---Mexican Pepsi? Does that even exist? )
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Log: Ink & Mayday [Apr. 19th, 2008|10:24 pm]
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Who: May & Heath
Where: Garage, Outback Steakhouse-esque food eatery
When: Friday, April 18
What: Heath's a gentleman and shows May that he's not just after sex...he wants a porterhouse too.
Conclusion: May wins, Heath gets dirty sex in a bathroom hoorah!

Wouldn't do that if I were you. Jackie just wants to relocate your nose right now and... )
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