The Story So Far - April 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 18th, 2008

Thread: Phil & Jackie [Apr. 18th, 2008|11:28 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock and Philip McCoy
When: Lunch break time, Friday, April 18
Where: Hank's classroom
What: So there's some tension between them. Jack's freaking out because he learned who Richard's real parents are. Will update when I figure out what else is a-goin' on here. :)

Hank's been out of paperclips all week, if that's what you're looking for. )
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Thread: Casey & Emma [Apr. 18th, 2008|12:26 pm]
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Who: Casey Carter and Emma Frost (and Richard Fisk if he wants to be there)
When: BACKDATED to Monday, April... whenever Monday was
Where: Outside the school
What: Casey comes back and Is In Big Trouble.

they'd told her not to leave )
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Log: The Barton Twins: ie; why they have been outta touch lately [Apr. 18th, 2008|01:08 pm]
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Who: Ryan and Wes
When: (backdated) When the team got back from Brazil
What: After that ominous voice mail message, Ryan wants to make sure his twin hasn't done anything ridiculous. Like give up shaving. Whoops. Too late there Ryan.

Wes, you're getting wax on the carpet. )
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Log: The Parkers (sans MJ) [Apr. 18th, 2008|02:02 pm]
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Who; The Spider-People
When; April 18th, afternoon
Where; Outside somewhere
What; Obligatory sibling teasing, Dad making sure nobody dies, and the sticky white stuff.

May and Heeeeath, sittin' in a tree---- )
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[Apr. 18th, 2008|03:26 pm]
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Who: Ren & Benjy
When: Today
Where: Benjy's room
What: Ren thinks nothing says I'm sorry like sugar.

Open to Benjy )
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