The Story So Far - April 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 9th, 2008

Thread: Inertia & OPEN [Apr. 9th, 2008|10:30 am]
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Who: Casey Carter and open to anyone who wants to try and stop her (Cooper?).. unless Emma Frost just wants to shut down her brain and strap her to a table for when she wakes up... and if no one stops her then she'll leave and come back and catch hell for it later. XD
When: Morning, Wednesday, April 9
Where: Academy grounds
What: Casey wants to go find her dad but the headmasters said no. She's... deciding that doesn't matter.

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Log! Box & Kinetic [Apr. 9th, 2008|10:48 am]
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Who: Cooper & Jimmy
Where: The Rec Room
When: Tuesday, April 8
What: Cooper makes Chester a collage because he feels bad for the guy. And to huff glue fumes.

That's...kind of what I do, minus the cholesterol. )
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Log: May & Jack [Apr. 9th, 2008|11:26 pm]
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Who: May Parker and Jackie Murdock
When: Morning, April 9
Where: May's room
What: Jack kissed Phil and needs to talk to SOMEONE, so Will goes to his Grace to have a little chitchat. This log is actually unfinished but I felt the urge to post what we've got.. just... because.

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