The Story So Far - April 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 10th, 2008

Thread: Jack & Phil [Apr. 10th, 2008|12:06 am]
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Who: Jackie Murdock & Philip McCoy
When: Late evening, April 9
Where: Academy grounds, little courtyard thing
What: Jack and Phil need to have a little chat about the embarrassing pheromone accident before Mayday goes and says something to Phil that really screws things up.

Read more... )
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[Apr. 10th, 2008|01:01 am]


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Who: Joan Allerdyce and Davika Shaara
When: 9th, April: Evening
Where: Academy: Backyard
What: Bra burning!

Ignore the fact that she just really wanted to set something on fire. )

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Narrative or Thread? You decide! [Apr. 10th, 2008|11:00 am]
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Who: Christian & Open
When: April 10th, morning
Where: Garage at Xavier's
What: Christian's decided to leave for a few days without really saying anything.

It was time for him to look into some pressing matters )
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