The Story So Far - March 26th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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March 26th, 2008

Thread: Casey & Magnar [Mar. 26th, 2008|10:50 am]
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Who: Casey Carter and Magnar Maximoff (kickin' it old school with the alliterative names, bitches)
When: March 26, mid-morning, I'm assuming there's some class-skipping going on
Where: Outside the MacTaggert building
What: Magnar offered cigarettes, and Casey could use one. So she agreed to meet him.

If Casey was being honest with herself, this was all completely overwhelming. )
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a night out [Mar. 26th, 2008|10:15 pm]
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Who: Over-21 folk!
Where: Out on the town!
When: Hump night
Why: Because this RP has been going on for how long and there hasn't been a bar scene? It's due time!

"OK, non-American beer. check. Bartender. check. Music. check." He looked back at the rest of the crew. "I'm happy."

Of course down the street were some other clubs, but Dane was content for now. Took little, really, but looking on some of the faces, they wouldn't be there for very long.

"I suppose if I add 'I'm getting first round', will that help?"

OOC: Note: The Barton twins, who would *SO* be there, are not. They are on their spell sabbatical. But they are most unhappy to be missing out (Wes, especially).
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Thread: Phil and Jack [Mar. 26th, 2008|11:44 pm]
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WHO: Phil McCoy & Jack Murdock
WHAT: Dog walkin'. Or just walkin'. STRESS WALKIN'.
WHERE: The Academy and all it's lush landscape.
WHEN: Wednesday, later in the evening.

He doesn't want to hide right now. )
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