February 26th, 2011

[info]multiply_me in [info]gangs_of_nyx

Characters: Jamie Madrox, OTA
NPCs: Passerbys
Location: M-Town. The streets near Moira's clinic.
Timeline: Saturday, February 26th
Description: Jamie is tagging over some FoH propaganda and making a few bucks.
Rating: PG-13ish

I might as well go back over yonder! )


[info]web_head in [info]gangs_of_nyx

Characters: Peter Parker. OT Capt. Rogers
NPCs: --
Location: M-Town. Peter Parker's apartment
Timeline: Saturday, February 26th - Night
Description: Peter's sleep is interrupted by an assignment.
Rating: PG

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Phone Call! Phone Call! )