It's pretty easy to earn props here. In fact, there's no limit to how much you can get it. How awesome is that?! But before we break that down, let me stress WHAT THIS COMMUNITY IS . . .

[info]gameprops is a place to.. well, give praise to your favorite community. Or perhaps even just a game that you were in, enjoyed, but maybe didn't have the time to keep up with!

It's about time we showcase those games out there that deserve the recognition and potentially give homeless players some options that come with reviews from either (or both) current and former members.

For more information, use the links below!


Have you ever found yourself on the hunt for a good, quality game but didn't know where to start looking for it? Well, you've come to the right place. Have you ever wanted to brag about a game you're in? That's what this community is all about!

~GAMEPROPS was created with the sole intention of providing one catch-all community for two important things: (1) giving kudos to those hardworking mods that treat running their game like a second job, and (2) reliable reviews from players with experience in the games that they're pimping out.

Currently, there are no restrictions on the types of games that can be posted here, but please remember to READ THE RULES before you post. Don't forget to USE THE TEMPLATE and TAG YOUR ENTRIES to help with organization and easy-find filtering!

Posts Tagged: 'type:+faux'

Jun. 18th, 2018



tags & tagging guide


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