It's pretty easy to earn props here. In fact, there's no limit to how much you can get it. How awesome is that?! But before we break that down, let me stress WHAT THIS COMMUNITY IS . . .

[info]gameprops is a place to.. well, give praise to your favorite community. Or perhaps even just a game that you were in, enjoyed, but maybe didn't have the time to keep up with!

It's about time we showcase those games out there that deserve the recognition and potentially give homeless players some options that come with reviews from either (or both) current and former members.

For more information, use the links below!


Have you ever found yourself on the hunt for a good, quality game but didn't know where to start looking for it? Well, you've come to the right place. Have you ever wanted to brag about a game you're in? That's what this community is all about!

~GAMEPROPS was created with the sole intention of providing one catch-all community for two important things: (1) giving kudos to those hardworking mods that treat running their game like a second job, and (2) reliable reviews from players with experience in the games that they're pimping out.

Currently, there are no restrictions on the types of games that can be posted here, but please remember to READ THE RULES before you post. Don't forget to USE THE TEMPLATE and TAG YOUR ENTRIES to help with organization and easy-find filtering!

Posts Tagged: 'game+status:+public'

Dec. 7th, 2018





GAME GENRE(S) Sci-fi, Space, Future
GAME STYLE Threading and journals.

GAME PREMISE Just C/Ping. EXOSOLAR starts in 2655 AD, and is centered around the day-to-day activity inside the bustling spaceport TERMINUS. Located at the edge of the system, the independent facility is neutral territory between the factions vying for control of the galaxy, and the point of no return before entering the gateway. While the station will serve as the main hub of activity, our adventures extend across multiple worlds, even galaxies. There's never a dull moment when you're living in space...

WHY THIS GAME DESERVES PROPS I'm giving them props because it's a really pretty unique premise and I like...see a lot of androids and other fun things over there that they're playing with. The game is creative and has a lot of pretty creative and fun characters in its cast. Plus the mod journal is super cute.
OTHER COMMENTS/DETAILS Don't know enough for this section and have no outsider perspective feedback, but other people could comment!





GAME TYPE Original Character, PB
GAME GENRE(S) Psychics. Slice of Life. University
GAME STYLE Threading.

GAME PREMISE University where psychic students gather.

WHY THIS GAME DESERVES PROPS I have never played there, but I am giving this game props because their members all seem really friendly and kind on PBads. They write really friendly ads and that is what I am wanting to give them props for! I think that's allowed? Anyway, I read a lot of ads on PBads and I'm impressed with the way they write theirs to sound very welcoming and inclusive. If I had more time, I'd go for it.
OTHER COMMENTS/DETAILS I feel like the graphics/coding on their site does a super great job of conveying the psychic aspect and would give them props for that as well! You can tell they put a lot of love into that and it totally pays off. I do kinda wish that the buttons had labels so I didn't have to hover through everything to figure out where I'm going with the nav every single time, like, I feel like it took me too long to figure out where the place was located and whether or not it was for sure a University game or if everyone's graduated from the university and it's more like a small-town game, but like, I know that's a really popular style for mod sites right now, so I might be in the minority with that. Who knows. Anyway, for it's worth, they seem like super friendly ad people! <33

Jun. 18th, 2018



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