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Aug. 25th, 2013


Hello my loves, just an update on my ridiculous life.

So as I stated previously, I thought I would have internet by tomorrow at the latest. But it looks like it will now be Wednesday. Thankfully though, classes start tomorrow and I will have access to WiFi for a decent portion of the morning and afternoon. I'll try to update and tag everything I can!! Until then I'll be trying to do some small updates from my phone, as much as it pains me to do so. I'm just dying of boredom here. Meh.

Anyway as always let me know if I missed something or you need me!

<3 Maggie

Aug. 24th, 2013


Hey guys!

This is just a heads up. My laptop is being very finicky with me right now, it's being unresponsive, and sometimes when it does respond, it has issues with charging and battery life. Long story short, I'm not one hundred percent sure how this is going to effect my availablity, because I'm not sure how long and when it will work for me. So, just assume I'm going to be slowish. Also, I'm going on a bit of a vacation in about a week and a half, so I'll be slow then too.

Hopefully after I come back from vacation, everything with my new job will set up and I'll be able to afford a new laptop. So yeah. It's not really a hiatus (or even a slowatus) just a warning/notice of sorts really. <3

Aug. 23rd, 2013


Apologies to everyone I owe tags to. I'm about a week behind.

I am smack dab in the middle of recruitment season for Girl Scouts which means my evenings are full of parent meetings, email followups and phone calls. Add to that the school I sub for regularly is absent a math teacher at the moment so I've been acting as the teacher until they can get the new one hired and on board so you have someone who leaves at 7:00 am and isn't home until 9 pm. I've tried to at least read and keep up and tag where I can so I can at least know where my kids ought to be.

Oh, and I've been hit with major sinus drainage and migraines all week. This makes for a very miserable, hard to get into RP week.

Hope everyone has enjoyed the plots and if you want either of my girls for something soon let me know.

Christie (Hannah/Romilda)


Not being able to journal or comment is hard y'all.

Anyone want to thread with a slowly recovering Gincakes?

Aug. 21st, 2013


Just popping in to make a quick note about Frank.

Since Alice died, Frank has been extra... crazy. Mumbling to himself about nonsense, extra jumpy, etc (and it would be VERY noticeable). Today he ended up running out right around the time the bridge collapsed and he broke his left arm and leg (thanks, Holly!).

Frank's crazy will last until Alice returns (sorry, Neville and Hannah! Frank loves you both bunches)

That is all.


I can't believe it's been over two weeks since I was last here. Time is weird.

Very TL;DR. )

I'm back, and everything is happening.


Aug. 20th, 2013




Yes, I just said that.

Thanks to the incompetence of Comcast, and their inability to do anything right, I will probably not have internet until AT THE EARLIEST Friday afternoon, and AT THE LATEST next fucking Tuesday.

Right now I am currently back at my house because I had to switch out cars and bring some stuff that didn't fit into the apartment back, so I am going to tag in on the day 6 thread and probably try to answer things where it's needed before I head back out, but other than that it is back to phone tagging (insert 1000000000000 angry cuss words here).

In other words I will be slow, and I will be extra testy. Because I absolutely hate missing out on things... Also, I will have AIM on my phone, but it does not work correctly and more often than not when someone IMs me it freezes IM for a good... 10 minutes before I can get it to work again. So if I take forever to reply, or don't answer you in a few hours, it's because A) my phone is frozen or B) my phone doesn't feel like giving me messages in a timely fashion.

However, my phone DOES get good email service, so if you want to chat that's a pretty quick way to do it.

But in case anyone was wondering how my move went, it was pretty okay, thanks for asking. It's... cozy to say the least. But it's ours, and we're back on campus and it feels OH SO RIGHT. We just finished unpacking the last of our stuff, but we still have yet to set anything up extra nice. So while it is a working space, it is a space that still looks like a tornado has gone through it. Once I can decorate and make things shmancy, I can always send pics if anyone cares to see xP! Other than that, I miss you all already. And I look forward, nay, crave the day that we get our internet installed.

(Amelia, Rabastan, Sally-Ann, Polaris, Rose Z.)

Aug. 19th, 2013


Yeah. I don't know what's going on with my computer. I'm connected to the Internet, but I can't get any of the browsers to do anything. Totes bought a new computer today, though. Will have that tomorrow. So, another day or do of slow going. The I will catch up!

Also, tears keep happening, and Molly is being thin lipped and quiet. Because her family is hurt, and she will be strong. Lee is breaking Albus's heart, and Bee is freaking out. Edwyn has had three hours of sleep in the last three days, but he has to keep going. I haven't replied to the plot posts, but people are free to mentione his sharp ass blade and how he took the first couple of heads clean off. Lea is framing our because the hallucinations are making the water deeper than it is. She really wants her shoes. Ari is taking it easy, and Cressida is splitting her time between running around and checking on people, reinforcing protection and heating charms, and shoving her nose in a book. She's working hard to find any mention of this, and she's putting her photographic memory to good use.

The end.




I'm back! Finally! Germany didn't have as much free internet as I was expecting so I'm super behind on everything that's going on. And there seems to be lots of stuff happening since I left. I will probably need some help catching up on the important bits.

Also, there seems to be new people and characters. Hello, hopefully my characters can have plot with you!

I'm probably going to sleep now because I've been awake for way too long (I can't sleep on planes very well), but I will catch up on everything when I wake up. I am so glad to be back!

Sara (Molly, Melinda)


So like... I'm in a weird lulzy mood. I should be sleeping. I have to get up at 7 am to move which is in... less 6 hours at this point.

But I thought someone might enjoy this, so I'm posting it here. Why? BECAUSE I CAN.

SO.... to anyone here who has ever gotten a degree... )


so after this, lysander went outside and on his walk and is going to get hurt! just so people know so there's no confusion 8D

Aug. 18th, 2013


Hello my gorgeous people of FTS.

I just wanted you all to know that while I am dying to participate more in this plot, I will fortunately and unfortunately moving to my apartment on campus tomorrow. Fortunately because I will be away from my mother once and for all (*does a happy dance*). Unfortunately because that means I will be moving all tomorrow and exhausted, and then we will have no internet whatsoever for a few days.

I'll have my phone and everything, but I doubt I'll be able to do much more than journal tag here or there. Because tagging from a phone is seriously the devil, in my opinion xP. HOPEFULLY we will have internetz by Tuesday, but I don't have any faith whatsoever in Comcast getting to us that fast... so we'll see. I will keep you updated!

But anyway, I will be around some tonight. And as always, there is my email which goes straight to my phone.


That is all!

(Amelia, Polaris, Rabastan, Rose, and Sally-Ann)


Hello everybody! My name is Lily and I bring you a Neville Longbottom!

Neville comes to you just after the war, so he's a badass, but he's still a Neville-style badass. He fought the war and now he's trying to be an Auror but failing miserably because he's not exactly good at it. He just wants to make plants grow, okay?

Everything you want or need to know about him is here in his bio. I would like any and all of the lines you have to offer me. Neville's a friendly sort, even to previous baddies. For the most part. He's still a little bitter about the whole parents being tortured to insanity thing.

My AIM is BoxesofPearls for chatting. Or if email is your preferred method of contact.

Aug. 17th, 2013


Just so everyone knows, Edgar is getting pretty stressed out especially with all the people running away to chase their hallucinations.

Legit, anyone who he believes to be sick, is probably going to be given a sedative to keep them from leaving, or restrained in some other way because he isn't about to let someone get even more hurt running around outside for something that could have been dealt with.


Come on you guys, I stay with my boyfriend for one night and come back to EXPLOSION OF POSTS.



As always...I feel sucky. And lost. And I apologise.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Herro. I'm posting a new ooc post because I can. n_n

So because awesome stuff is awesome, I'd like to thread out some stuff from today if anyone is interested!

Cedric is in the second wave of hero stuff, so he can do some saving if anyone wants to partake?

I think Angelina's is mostly commented on ooc-ly. Coming to help out the twins and then heading for the castle, so she doesn't really need one.

Most notably, though, I will be posting Jamie's death later today or tomorrow morning. If anyone wants to thread the events leading up to it, I'm down with that, too. Otherwise I figured you should just let me know if you want your character to be around when it happens so I can write in his response to their presence. :)

OKAY. The end.
<3 Ashley


This is a terrible time to do this, but I've become addicted to Game of Thrones and am trying to use every bit of spare time to get through the first 3 seasons (I'm on Season 3 Episode 5 right now). Add to that the fact I've been away from my computer working more than I've been home and you have RP falling on my priority list atm. I will get my lapsed tags tonight and jump full force into plot tomorrow.

Aug. 14th, 2013


I have Internet again and the Candy Crush withdrawals have been remedied... Yay! Lets not mention unpacking boxes.

*insert appropriate gif here*

Right, which means I will be around after work tonight to catch up, plot and do whatever. Anyone want to plot out anything for the monster plot? I would like to get all three of my babies involved because let's just assume they have been around doing what was necessary and what they could. They are all fairly helpful. Fleur is a whiz at charms so she can help with any of that, Bella volunteered to help with the healing and taking care of the injured and Autumn well, she's just around helping with whatever she can.

Tonya, Fleur, Isabella and Autumn


I suck.

I really, really suck. Real life is awful right now. Work is killing me, I'm looking into leaving at the moment, and the only time I feel happy is when I'm with my boyfriend so I've been with him as often as I can just for some sanity. So I really, really apoloise.

Okay can someone please update me on what I crucially need to know.

(Lily Potter, Hermione Granger)

Aug. 11th, 2013



So I am going to be on hiatus until Wednesday night. I didn't want to have to do that with the monster plot and everything but I have to. This moving thing is overwhelming me. Forget Murphy's law this is like Murphy's nightmare. I had to work today, the truck broke down, Home Depot was out of everything we needed, and the pipes burst (trying getting a county employee from the water company on a Sunday), there was a flood in our living room and nothing else went right either. It's 10pm and I haven't really packed a thing and movers will be here at 7am. There is so much yelling I want to go crawl into my hole and cry or sleep. Sleep would be good.

I am done ranting now promise. But I'll certainly be back Wednesday when the cable/Internet get hooked up. I will probably lurk in the wee hours of the morning too. Then I want to play lots and do things with the monster plot if anyone is interested.

Tonya aka Fleur, Isabella and Autumn

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