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Sep. 11th, 2013


I'm back! It took longer than I thought because as soon as I started feeling better there was a family emergency. i really need to get Molly and especially Melinda back in the game, so help me! What did I miss?

Also, it's my birthday today! (Which really doesn't mean much because I can't celebrate until the weekend, but whatever.)

Sep. 10th, 2013


Hello again!

Just letting everyone know really quick that as of this morning, Polaris has disappeared from the village. PLEASE DON'T FREAK OUT TOO MUCH THOUGH.

She'll be back in a few days, at an older age. YAY!

So be ready for that.


Sep. 9th, 2013



I just wanted to apologize for kind of dropping off the face of the earth the last few days. I sort of got buried in homework and then had to go home this weekend for my mama's surprise 50th birthday party (which was AWESOME and STRESSFUL all at the same time). So I was REALLY, REALLY BUSY. So much in fact that 2-3 nights in a row I have passed out before 11, which is like... really weird for me.


So if I missed anything/you need my characters for something/or I need to respond somewhere, PLEASE COMMENT HERE.

Also general silly conversation is always welcome to.

(Amelia, Rose, Sally-Ann, Rabastan, Polaris)

Sep. 8th, 2013


Okay. So I wasn't here for the last village-games plot that went on, so if you have a better way to set this up, I AM ALL EARS.

Basically, for the majority of the activities, I would run the names through a randomizer thing and come up with a winner that way? And then I also considered doing an IC//OOC thread for some of the other things (like the scavenger hunt and I thought about a trivia contest)

I'm going to post a table in Ginny's journal with the copy of the leader-board, but I'll just keep editing it to add the new scores in so I don't completely flood your f-list and then when the games are over I could post it in the IC-comm?


Sep. 7th, 2013


Hey guys. We're still trying to get things sorted, but it actually looks like we have a nice place lined up. There is still a lot of stuff I need to get done before I'm fully back, but I'm not having a panic attack every time I think about it now. So, there is that.

In the meantime, I have been fairly unsuccessful at keeping up with everything game wise, and I'm not sure when I'll really have the time next. I tried last night, but then fell asleep (Sorry, Jenny). So, let me just tell you whats going on with my people for the next however long.

Roxy is working hard, even if she looks more like she's not. Because of Mike's complaints, there may be a tongue tied toffee in Percy's future, so. Expect that.

Rowena is very determined to lead her team, and has probably been very interested in their tasks and keeping everyone on schedule in person as opposed to keeping tabs via journal. Rowena is a very hands on leader.

James and Liam are both pulling their own weight in their groups (James probably more so). They both dearly miss quidditch and will take any opportunity to go flying. Liam has been trying to awkwardly engage in conversation with his boys (Ernie and Nate), while James is hanging out with Eddie and Remus or his family or everyone all at once.

Eddie has been helping out, and also kind of checking in with the more physical of the groups to makes sure that every one is working as safely as possible (he's looking at you Vogg). He would like to avoid accidents.

Narcissa is working, but probably just barely. She likes entertainment, and has no problems planning, but she's not exactly a team player. She's good at pretending though, so I suppose she'll just focus on putting ideas together in the most organized fashion she can.

Lorcan has been hitting the books as hard as he can, though he's also been running his ideas past others to see if their applicable. Being a squib, Lorcan only has a theoretical understanding of magic, which in a way makes him more open-minded about things a spell can be used for, but he's just not as familiar with the practicality of it all. But he's trying.

And Myrtle has just been doing whatever Hannah and the others had told her to do, which is probably just delivering food and doing the dishes, but at least she feels like she's helping!

Love love love love.
<3 Mere

Sep. 6th, 2013


Hi guys.

A quick apology because I really don't have the energy for much else right now. I've been really unwell the past week which has lowered my energy levels. And then this evening we got a call saying my granpa has taken a turn for the worse and the next 48 hours are critical. Therefore, I'm going to take a hiatus of a kind. Basically I'll barely be around the next two or three days and if I am, I'll try and tag but I really don't feel up to a lot just now.


(Lily, Hermione)

Sep. 5th, 2013


I haven't been feeling well again (what's new, right?) so that's why I haven't been around like, at all, lately. I'm going to try to catch up on things tonight (if I don't end up passing out on the couch, that is), but if there anything Salazar or Frank need to see/respond to, please let me know here.

ALSO as of the 25th, I will no longer have sporadic/shitty internet access, and will instead have awesome internet access. Hooray!


Sep. 4th, 2013


So, I am not going on hiatus too! Quite the opposite really. Now that I am done moving and summer is "unofficially" over and hockey hasn't started yet I have tons of time surprisingly. Not to mention this weekend is shaping up to be rather uneventful as well. That being said, anyone in the mood to plot or play? All of mine are involved with their respective renovation groups and around if you prefer personal plots. They all want things to do or people to talk to. Stuffs to do always make a bad day better and a work shift seem a little less long (I am trying to forget I have 6 hours still to go).

Tonya, Autumn, Fleur and Isabella.


I feel like I'm adding to this list of people not around, but I can't help it. I'm having some health issues (headaches and vertigo) and computers at the moment are making it worse. Which makes playing at the moment pretty much impossible, which sucks because I want to get my kids back into stuff.

Hopefully, this will stop soon and I'm be back in action.



Hey people whom I love!

This is just a reminder that I'm going to be on vacation from now until the the 12th at El Casa De Holly.

Because Holly is going to be my main mode of entertainment, I'll probably be slow and miss things. Feel free to email me, and I can check out from my phone. I'll also have my tablet thing for anything too. Whee.



Hey team,

I have a big pharmacology test this Friday and have been flipping my shit trying to study for it, so I'm going to be around less until then. I also have this team building activity Friday night through Saturday, so I won't be around at ALL then, as an FYI.

The point is- I'm trying to poke in and tag stuff in the mornings before I'm awake enough to actually study, and at night right before bed, but I'm going to be around less and I'll probably miss like a thousand things because I suck like that- especially journal tags.


My life should be back to somewhat normal on Sunday. And then I will play catch up. <3

<3 Ashley
Angie, Ced, Bella, Jamie

Sep. 2nd, 2013


I'm sorry I disappeared, lovelies. Work on Friday...everyone left at noon, and I was there for several hours by myself trying to figure shit out. I intro'd at another game, but I didn't have the brain power to do anything IC. Tags would have been terrible. When my friend kidnapped me for that minication, I realised that my brain just needed a break. Yesterday was spent watching random movies and hanging out with my friends, as well as a pedicure. Today has been full of supernatural. I'm sorry I've neglected you. I have tags (yes, I will tag Ari/Remus, and Lee/Albus is good where it is because Lee doesn't know what else to do), and I'll reply to the intros and journals later. I'm going to finish the first season of this show and let my brain ooze out of my ears a bit more, then I'll give you all the love.

Forgive me? I just...needed to reset.


bear with me, i'm typing all of this from my phone.

early this morning, a fire broke out in out apartment building on one of the lower floors, and while no one was hurt (and everything in my apartment is completely fine and untouched thank god) the fire did a lot of structural damage and so everyone has to evacuate. They are literally giving us like a day to pack up all of our things and get out of the building.

They said that they aren't sure how long its going to take to fix the building, but they told my husband that there aren't any more two bedroom vacancies in the complex right now (that aren't also in the evacuation zone), so they are giving us voucher things to stay in a hotel for a week, and allowing us to break our lease.

However, this means I have a million and one things, and no place to live. So. We are seriously going to be busting our hump trying to find a new place to stay. On top of work and making sure Katie gets to and from school and this is so stressful i'm like going to cry.

so. yeah. I'm probably not going to be fully around for the next like two weeks while we get this shit sorted.

Also, I am hitting some stuff up from my phone, because I need a break every once in a while. But... I'm not fully here, so i cant really do anything huge like threads or anything so if you want to take rowena off leading the engineering team thats okay too. I'm so sorry.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Hello lovelies!

This is Ashley with Bellatrix Black.

I thought this game was just too darn nice, so I brought in someone dark for you n_n

Bella is currently sixteen. She doesn't know anything about Sirius, Regulus, Andromeda, or Narcissa's future, and she is NOT going to be happy about it.

Homegirl is close-minded as all get out, so I wouldn't bother with any transformative processes while she's in the village. She likes to manipulate people, so she might let you THINK you are for the fun of the game, but it'll bite you in the ass in the end.

I forgot how awful I am at intros (and I am in the midst of some serious pharmacology cramming). Her profile is HERE, so you should probably read it and make both of our lives easier.

I love plotses. GIMME!

<3 Ashley

Aug. 31st, 2013


I was kidnapped for a minication. I'll be around tonight. I love you all, you awesome nerds.



JSYK at some point last night Gideon and Amelia made a bet when they were heading down to the beach.

We have thus decided that Amelia lost said bet, and because of this she had to find Moody and give him a giant hug. SO GAIL, she probably would have found him, said she was sorry before she did anything, and then gave him a sneak hug.

Because he's all paranoid and shit if he freaked out that's cool, all she asks is that her hair and body parts stay intact ;P.


Aug. 29th, 2013


The COO of my company is totes awesome and is letting us cut out after our 9 am meeting tomorrow. SO! I will tag all threads and clean out my in box then!!

If any of mine are needed, do let me know! There needs to be an Edwyn/Row thread. Anyone else? It's a long weekend, and I have no plans (except maybe Sunday).

Aug. 28th, 2013


OUT OF CURIOSITY: Because I have nets now, and I will be around more obvs, I was thinking of apping a male char. I know I've said this like....3 times before and none have panned out due to my lameness, BUT I AM SUPER CEREAL THIS TIME.

So is there anyone that a character here would love to see? Someone who would help move your plot along or just be fun to have around? THROW EM AT ME. IDC. I just can't make decisions on my own, apparently.


Aug. 26th, 2013


I AM EXHAUSTED. My god, people.

Right, Potters! I've said Harry's going to see Gin while she's recovering and he's asked Lilu to bring their three kids in. IS THIS SOMETHING WE CAN PLAY? I'm not on AIM tonight, sorry, but I thought I'd ask here.

Potter Family Reunion, y/y?

Aug. 25th, 2013


Okay so hi guys! I know I'm busy with all of my one other character, but Greg was getting lonely and so HARRY.

So Harry's 22, from 2002, still kinda new to the aurors but kicking ass at it (since he'll be running the place in another five years). He's off-again with Ginny currently, but in his own timeline that would have been changing to on-again-for-good soon.

Now, give me the goods here. I know a hell of a lot of you had things going with other Harrys, and of course he knows most people here canonically. Let me know where we stand. :)

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