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Aug. 29th, 2014



Who: Everybody [IC & OOC]!
What: A Fun Surprise!
When: Saturday, 30th August!
Where: The Village!

click to read more.... )

[ooc: posting this a tad early so everybody can participate! thanks julia ♥]

Jul. 7th, 2014


Hullo everybody! Its Nox again, and I bring you Orion Black!

Orion is 16 and from the autumn of 1945, where he was just heading off to his 6th Year at Hogwarts, literally walking through the barrier to Platform 9¾ (obviously he doesn't end up there!). So he'll essentially be pulled backwards in terms of months to July, which is where all of us currently are, but will still be 16 as his birthday was very recently. He will be a student studying and living in the Castle as of this morning, but if any of his family members (and there are so many of them) want him to come and live with them, then that is always an option!

He was in Slytherin House at Hogwarts and he played Quidditch for the house team, in the position of Chaser, from his 2nd year onward. Beyond that, he mostly kept to himself as he is quite a reserved individual in terms of physical socialising, but he has no problem speaking his mind if its an option.

He's obviously not aware of anything that happens in his future; that he has a son already in the village, that he has nieces and nephews in the village, or that he gets married at all or how far his relatives go thanks to the wonders of marriage! So learning any or all of that information might be quite a shock for him.

And if you want to know more in detail, then his bio is HERE and if you have any questions, feel free to ask here or via e-mail: (he doesn't have a dropbox yet because I made a goof in Photoshop and have yet to find a time to fix it)! As I said before, I am terrible at intro posts - sorry if this one is a little wonky, I am still waking up.

Plot away! <3

(Edit: I finally got around to fixing my AIM so I've got that now too! Its huggable.zombie in case anybody prefers chatting via that instead of e-mail.)

Sep. 28th, 2013


I'm home!!!

Just want to say thanks so much to everyone for this week - it really helped get me through the tough bits. May have used my iPhone hotspot more than was financially sensible, but THIS IS THE PRICE YOU HAVE TO PAY APPARENTLY. I love how it's all played out so far.

As of today I'm back online full time and ready for all the meetings that will inevitably ensue. Then maybe Pete can finally go his house and bathe properly. Just poke me if you need me to start threads etc

Also this week has definitely given me the RP bug again, so I may have to start thinking about a second character. More Longbottoms?? Y/Y??


Sep. 27th, 2013


Okay, so I don't have aim on my travel laptop here, and my hours are scattered and I'm in Scotland so the time zone's off, but I REALLY WANNA PLAY.

Does anyone with patience for off hours wanna hook up with Minnie here? I mean in like a scene way, not in a euphemism way. Alternatively Greg or Harry could be up for grabs, but I haven't scened with Minnie yet. Besides, look at her all cute in that icon. Come on.

Sep. 26th, 2013


Considering picking up Morgan le Fey.

Thoughts? PB ideas? Encouragement? Threats on my life if I even do so?

Sep. 24th, 2013


Hey, so I have the flu or a flu like thing so I'm going to be gone until I stop hurting and regain the ability to breathe. And hopefully stop sneezing so much that I freak out my dog.


Sep. 23rd, 2013


Hi all

So I went back to work today so thought I should make a reappearance here too. I'm still not exactly over the loss, and the boy is doing what he can to make sure I spend a lot of my spare time doing stuff rather than thinking too much and therefore getting upset. But other than that I'm back.

What have I missed? Is there anything else I need to do or anything my characters need to look at/reply to?

(Lily Potter, Hermione Granger)


Hi everyone!! Sooo excited to doing le intro post :-) I'm here because I casually asked Devin if she had anything good on at the moment and she gave you guys a glowing review, so you all know who to bow down and thank when you discover the true depths of my awesomeness (or who to blame when it turns out I suck, idk)

I'm Andy, I've been around in RP world for a while though I was away for a couple years and started playing again around the start of this year. More info on me and my character history can be found at my newly renovated ~*CDJ*~ which is the pride of my life and isn't that just sad!

Moving on, you may not have noticed him because he's just peeking his little nose cautiously around the corner, but this is Peter. (Ahhh, can't you just hear all the village residents groaning and brushing up on Unforgivable curses). A little explicatión on my friend here. I know the easiest way to play Peter is to make him young enough he doesn't remember or couldn't imagine doing any of his future crimes, however I've decided not to do that here because 1) It's been done here before and 2) It's been done by me before, at Lockewood, some time ago. Therefore in the spirit of going in a different direction, (and possibly just sadism), Peter comes to you from November 1981. Fresh missing finger, dead/imprisoned friends and everything. He's been living in a sewer the last couple of weeks and he does NOT smell good.

So. Full Peter profile is ~*here*~ but here are some connections I'll be trying to work on.

Seeking: Death Eaters, mates from his former club. I've an idea for a first post that should help with this. While Peter knows that plenty of his DE mates probably want to kill him just as much as the other side for leading their Master to the slaughter, he really doesn't have much other choice at this point. His stay-as-a-rat plan was going so well up to the point he got inter-dimensionally railroaded. Oh - and there's a little story in his history about how he joined the Death Eaters starting with this guy who bought him drinks and introduced him to his friends and stuff, so if anyone wants to put their hand up to be that guy, that'd be sweet.

Avoiding: Former friends, future enemies. Despite appearances Peter is not an idiot and will be hiding his little ratty nose away for as long as he can. People may start to get the feeling that he's around (and there's always the risk of certain people leaking his presence) before actually seeing him. Of course he can't stay under the floorboards for long, and I fully look forward to any amount of hell breaking loose in his face when he's caught out.

Finding New friends. It would be nice for Peter to meet some people he didn't know before, who could eventually help him realise his mistakes (not that he isn't fully aware of them already) and encourage him back towards the side of the good guys, so he can make amends for what he did. Also, someone who can help him sort out his mess of sexual confusion (see full history section for more info) would be deeply appreciated.

That out of the way, hello again and thanks for welcoming me into your game, hopefully for a long time to come. This week I'm actually out of my normal routine at a fitness retreat, so while I'll be around it probably won't be in peak times. Usually I'm available all day (handy office job with discreetly angled computer…) My timezone is GMT-10 (Melbourne Australia)

(deep breath)


PS how cute is this icon just sayin

PPS damnit I always forget my contact information. e: aim: andypandy17z (I love to chat so seriously just say hi any time)

Sep. 21st, 2013


Sometime tomorrow, Molly is going to disappear. Artie and all of her belongings, too. She'll return next Sunday from the morning after she and Arthur eloped. She won't have any memory or record of the village or its inhabitants. She won't know that her brothers die or that she has a million kids and grand kids. She won't know anything. I needed to reset her because, though very strong in my mind and quite a bit more canon than I realized, she's become a bit stuck. I need her at an age where she'll do things. The baby was holding her back from rushing into battle or doing anything even remotely risky. I couldn't make her older because it's freaking Molly Weasley. The older she gets, the more stuck in her ways she becomes. I couldn't make her younger than 18 because, honestly, the only face I would use for Molly Prewett is Molly Quinn. No one else was quite right. So, she's being reset, and we'll see what happens with her.

Sep. 20th, 2013


Okay guys sorry but I've been traveling and I really didn't think it would cut into my playing time but it has but LONDON! But yes, I'm going to be gone for maybe the next full day and then I should be back into the groove. Forgive.

I don't want to start any conversation IC that I won't be on to finish, so...assume Harry hooked Hermione up with awesome birthday presents, and no Greg has nothing planned for his birthday, Draco. :) He's never had much in the way of a birthday party before, so he figures that's normal.

Sep. 19th, 2013


We are in the middle of a few major projects at work that will last through the next week or so. I likely won't be posting anything new unless something happens that make my kids want to scream. I will however be commenting daily on things I feel they would comment on so I don't get behind on new posts but follow up comments may take a day or two.


Also, Hannah would have sent Hermione a gift.


Forgive me. I was hit between the eyes yesterday afternoon with something unpleasant. I can't focus on much of anything right now.

I'll be around this weekend to catch up with my in box and the new wards and posts and stuff.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Whoo! Okay, hi, I'm Lynn, same as always. And this is Minnie. If she likes you. If not it's Miss McGonagall and you can all deal.

She is 30 years old, and it was 1965 when she woke up this morning. So she knows nothing of Death Eaters or Orders or Potters or the like. She's been a teacher at Hogwarts for a few short years, and she's very good at it, thanks. She is also a kick-ass feminist Scot queen who doesn't take crap from anyone. She is of course an animagus and a genius at transfigurations. She is currently young but already fading into her stern schoolmarm future, though I expect she'll get pulled out of that here without a school to marm for. :D

So hi! She looks forward to snarking with all of you.


Hey, everyone! Nicole here with kid number three. This is Dennis Creevey. Dennis is 14 and comes from the battle. He just saw them bring Colin's body into the Great Hall, where he was running around, trying to help where he could. He didn't see who killed Colin though, and it's a secret. Shh. Um. He's been on the run for the past year with Colin, hiding out in all those places you really don't want to hide out in.

For a little while, he might be a bit skittish around large groups of people, because of being on the run and in hiding and fun times. He's still basically the same Denny you all remember though. Super excitable, probably a little more so then Colin even was back in his school days. He doesn't have a hero worship thing going on though. Denny does completely believe his brother is dead though. He saw it, felt him going cold and stiff and stuff. It was no bueno.

I'm excited to jump in with him... tomorrow. I'm exhausted for tonight, though the bed is SO far away from the couch!
Anyway! Throw all the plot at me!


Sep. 14th, 2013


I'm actually all caught up on my tags (if I missed something let me know) and would love a thread for either of my girls. After reading where they are right now let me know if you'd like to pick something up with either of them.

Hannah )

Romilda )

Sep. 13th, 2013


Hello everyone.

Unfortunately, my granpa passed away last night. Therefore I'm not going to be around as much. I'm not going to take a proper hiatus, I love this game too much, but I'm not going to be paying much attention. If there's anything you feel needs my characters attention please email.

(Lily Potter, Hermione Granger)

Sep. 12th, 2013


Hey my brilliant friends.

We're in the moving/unpacking phase of our new apartment, so I'm going to venture and say I'm going to be around a lot more again. (with fingers crossed).

That being said, apparently Aim says that one of my devices is logged into aim... I don't know which one. It's not my phone, or my ipod or my tablet. So, if you've been sending messages, I swear I haven't been ignoring you, I just havent been getting them. And I don't know how to sign out, because I legit have no idea where I am signed in.

So. Yeah. Let me know if James/Roxy/Liam/Narcissa/Lorcan/Rowena/Eddie/Myrtle are needed anywhere. <3




Sep. 11th, 2013


Tonya kind of wants a shiny new character. When she should me making a new icon set for Autumn I have an itch to try a male even though I am not overly good at it but I want to give it the ol' college try. But the problem is I don't know where to start when it comes to deciding who. So how about some suggestions? I would love you all even more. I would rather pick up someone wanted and needed than just a random developed to my own liking. There are so many choices on the wanted list... I was thinking someone younger or over 25, honestly.


Okay. So. I can't come up with six different scavenger hunt list items and tasks but I CAN come up with some examples of what I mean by tasks because they're not so complicated.

Items would be things like: a red, rubber ball; an acorn; a photo frame; a tricycle Things like this.

Tasks would be varying between the silly and the team specific. The Janitorial list might include a picture of the Janitorial team conquering a pile of debris.

While the Engineering list might include something like a picture of the blueprints in front of a finished building

Meanwhile the Entertainment and Food list will have something along the lines of Reenact the biggest kitchen disaster you've experienced

The tasks are designed so that teams will have to all work together to complete them.

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