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Back December 3rd, 2007 Forward
Bridget [userpic]
Mod Post

Hello all. I just wanted to inform you all of some changes I've made to the userinfo and the rules.

New things:

--The Shit List has changed its name. It is now simply the Probation/Banned List.

--A new rule has been added: "Memes posted after 12/5/07 need to have the word "floss" somewhere in the text or subject of the post in order to show that you've read the rules."

--The criteria for probation (formerly known as "shit-listing") has been altered slightly. Instead of being put on probation after simply breaking the rules three or more times in general, breaking the rules three or more times within two months will get you put on probation.

Let me know what you think of this in the comments, please.

Also, I'm still looking for some nifty graphics for this comm, so don't forget to go off and be creative (if you want to, that is).

EDIT: 12/4/07 Another rule has been added out of necessity, it pertains to meme labeling: Memes should be labeled by fandom and friending topic. If the subject of your meme is the fandom, then the fandom is the friending topic. So, if your meme is for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, your label would be "Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friending Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Similarly, if your meme is for a specific part of a given fandom, for example, Spike/Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer the label would be "Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friending Topic: Spike/Buffy."

location: Home: My Room
Current Mood: tired tired
Current Music: One Thing--Finger Eleven
Back December 3rd, 2007 Forward