Forgotten Gods: Histories [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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[Jul. 3rd, 2011|11:22 pm]

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Who: Death & Nuclear Power
What: Little Boy
Where: Hiroshima, Japan (Each deity being temporarily summoned/drawn to the area)
When: August 6, 1945
Rating/Warnings: The only atomic bombings in history it's bound to be a little sensitive.

Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. )
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Set Condition One throughout the ship. [Oct. 9th, 2010|10:34 pm]

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[music |trance[]control - Unicorn R.I.P]

Who: Attrition Warfare, National Security, Nuclear Power, Psychological Warfare & US Military
What: Cuban Missile Crisis.
Where: The Pentagon.
When: October 1962.
Warnings: N/A.

3... 2... 1... )
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[Aug. 1st, 2009|10:08 pm]

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Who: Nuclear Power ([info]brighter_tmrw) & National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: Ivy Mike Test , Power meet Control and vice versa
Where: Pacific Proving Grounds, aboard the USS Estes
When: November 1, 1952
Warnings: tba

The thermonuclear era had begun and Nuclear Power was more then a little smug )
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I see a storm coming [Jun. 6th, 2009|05:58 pm]
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Who: Uncle Sam and Nuclear Power
What: It's a crisis! aka those Damn Russians have installed nuclear missiles in Cuba. You know what happens next.
Where: White House Cabinet Room, Washington D.C.
When: October 16, 1962.
Warnings: The threat of nuclear armageddon? Other than that, TBD.

I'm not interested in the destruction of the world, but if you want us to all meet in Hell, it's up to you -- Khruschev )
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If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one. Drying in the colour of the evening sun [May. 14th, 2009|07:26 pm]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol), Nuclear Power ([info]brighter_tmrw), US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: Crisis/strategy meeting.
Where: Department of Homeland Security, Washington DC.
When: Iraq disarmament crisis, 2002.
Warnings: TBA.

Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away. But something in our minds will always stay )
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[Feb. 14th, 2009|08:54 am]

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Who: Nuclear Power and Athena
What: The day after Hiroshima, 1954
Where: The Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.
Warning: Nada!

Unsure Tomorrows )
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