Forgotten Gods - August 1st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 1st, 2010

[Aug. 1st, 2010|12:12 am]


Hello again! You know you can't have just one character intro.

This is Sigyn, of the Norse. Currently an editor, Sigyn's been living a quiet life all on her own. After that lovely time spent catching poison from a snake hanging over her husband's head, Sigyn's attitude towards the rest of the pantheon has become decidedly less friendly than it used to be. Don't let that stop you, though. Norse or not, I'm open to plot.

- Cat
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Meet Facebook [Aug. 1st, 2010|01:33 pm]


Gah, meant to do this yesterday, but my day was eaten alive by a friend's wedding.

Meet the Facebook siblings! Amber is the official god of the site. She's cheerful and bubbly and just wants to be your friend. Really wants to be your friend. She wants to know everything about you, no matter how minute a detail. She can't promise not to spread those details to everyone, but really, isn't it worth it to play Farmville? 

Marcus is the dark side of Facebook, born from media frenzies and user ~drama~. His hobbies include trolling, cyber-bullying, and encouraging the media to report on the evils of Facebook. In his spare time, he likes looking at the pictures people post of themselves doing illegal activities, and surfing Failbook.

I'd love any plotting and history, especially with the other Internet New Gods!

-Chelsea [Quetzalcoatl, Osiris, St. George, Lizzie Borden, Fenrir, Facebook]
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Camping has not killed me [yet]! [Aug. 1st, 2010|06:41 pm]


Annnnnnd after a few campfires and marshmallows, mosquito bites, minor burn scars, twenty or so minutes sitting completely still on the beach so I could shelter a butterfly from the wind, my puppy deciding he wouldn't eat unless it was out of my hand, a leech attack, trying to sleep in uncomfortable bedding with a sunburn, a dragonfly photoshoot, saving a tree frog, a muskrat jumping underneath our car tires on the way home, and about 23857239 more animal/bug-related adventures... I am back.   And I think I'm still alive, too.  :D  [Feel free to ask for expansions on any of these stories.]

Now, everyone, tell me about your weekends!

--Judo; [oh, you know, those guys]
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Tweek says I Am Spartacus [Aug. 1st, 2010|09:46 pm]


HEy guys stealing net for a moment to say I have gotten the emails those of you that have sent them to me. My flight is tomorrow, so I should be home by tomorrow afternoon!!! I've missed you guys and I will be back to log like a fiend. Any plotting and ideas I will be ready! Did I miss anything?

[Achilles, The Red Baron, Eros, Dionysus, Oedipus, Robin Hood, Orpheus, Leuccipus, Bohemianism, Kenneth Rhodes and AƄdres Saldana]
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[Aug. 1st, 2010|10:48 pm]
[mood | excited]
[music |Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine]

Hey guys! It's Liz, back with my second character, Datura. She's one of the Nightshades, and you can read more about her here. She's going to be working at Belladona's shop eventually, she's a little bit crazy, and sometimes she has a difficult time holding it together.

So, if you'd like to plot with her or Dolos, my AIM is zydratejunkie898, or e-mail me at

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