Forgotten Gods - August 2nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 2nd, 2010

[Aug. 2nd, 2010|12:52 am]
Howdy, folks! Sid here, bringing in another website: Google!

Google is friendly, albeit corporate, and hides his holier-than-thou attitude behind an (honest) veil of helpfulness. He exists to serve the nation at large and has no beef with anybody, save the other corporate irritants who try their hardest to get under his skin. Google's like that one dude who bids on that thing you want at the last second, you know? He's just that guy. But he's also a powerhouse of information, is generally the first site one goes to when one has a question, and likes you lot very, very much.

Any plottings would be much appreciated! (Especially you, fellow websites. ♥)
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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|01:28 pm]
My soul is being consumed by tech week and the first run of the show so be warned: I lack brain-thoughts.

Here's John Dillinger; bank robber, public enemy, prison escapee, and all around friendly guy. He was active in 1933-34 and by active I mean ridiculously active otherwise he wouldn't have been such a nuisance to the FBI (formally the DOI). He inadvertently contributed to the creation of laws regarding the killing of federal officers, crossing state lines to avoid prosecution, prison employees assisting prisoner escapes, the death penalty for bank robbers, and the ability to offer reward money for capturing criminals; and federal agents were given the right to carry weapons and make arrests. Gunned down in an alley outside the Biograph Theater in July of '34 thanks to the help of a woman in orange -- a detail that he likes to correct people on.

He's not much of a bank robber these days (note: not much); goes by the name of J.D. Lawrence, a criminal defense lawyer working in New York. Tries to stay out of trouble but who's perfect? It's bad news when he gets bored.

A funny sort of character, doesn't take much very seriously probably because it doesn't do any good to be wound up about things. He has the idea that if you're not having a good time then you're probably doing something wrong.
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I RETURN! [Aug. 2nd, 2010|06:04 pm]



I return!!! I had a GREAT time at the con, but I missed all you guys!!!! I do not come empty handed!!! If you are interested in seeing pictures of my costume that I slaved over all month, you can check those out on my deviant art website. For the record, it was a steampunk Alice In Wonderland, and the shoot turned out fabulous. I was the Mad Hatter. I also share with you news that in September I will be starting a web comic, Fallen Heroes at the Tainted Reality website. Inspired by my love of Greek myth, this game and my character. I hope you all take a look around (and if you like Japanese rock music, anime, comics and more) check out the rest of Tainted Reality. I shamelessly promote.

Now that I am not swamped with work, please hit me with whatever you need from me log-wise, plot-wise or just to talk, my month of insanity is OVER. Meaning I will be on aim, chatting time, emailing time, all of it! Five days has felt like forever and a day away from this place. Hope I didn't miss too much. Fill me in!

[Achilles, Eros, Dionysus, Oedipus, Leucippus, Robin Hood, The Red Baron, Orpheus, Bohemianism, Penelope, Kenneth Rhodes and Andres Saldana]
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Hiatus notice [Aug. 2nd, 2010|07:06 pm]
Hey guys,

Slightly overdue hiatus notice here due to work - long story short, I'm temporarily taking over the duties of someone who's gone on leave due to a training course, and very busy work schedule = no inspiration for pretendy fun times when I get home :(

I'll be gone for say, about two weeks or so? Should be back in the game about the 16th - but if there's anything urgent, plot wise, you want to get in contact with, I should be available by email :)

&hearts Michelle
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