Forgotten Gods - July 31st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 31st, 2010

[Jul. 31st, 2010|05:18 am]
It's early so my creativity is low. Meet Tiamat, ancient salt-water ocean personification/not really a dragon but always seen as one/time old chaos monster that made everything. Tiamat's story is that her and her mate created everything, got tired of them kids causing a ruckus and thus decided to kill them all. Long story short, they both died and Marduk cut her in half and made one half the sky and the other the earth.

She's been in the USA for a bit (ever since the seventies actually *cough*thank you D&D), and works at the aquarium.

Backstory/plot is appreciated. My AIM is still bastblackrose. ^_^
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|03:45 pm]


Hey all, I've had about three hours of sleep so please excuse incoherency/typos/grammar fail. x.x

ANYWAY to the important point of this post, two new kids.

Please say hi to Tyr [info]pyriphlegethon, Fenrir's keeper he had his hand bitten off. Totally chilled out dude, if a little lacking in wit and humor. He can appreciate a smart-ass tongue, sometimes, yes he's eyeballing you Loki. He's also been working as a military adviser of sorts, and dislikes canine-related... everything, cats and others are cool in his books though. So yes, any past-cr, meetings, whatever- feel free to throw it at me.

Second, meet the Loch Ness Monster [info]seaserpent, plays with ~*THE BAND~*, she gets a kick out of driving people insanely annoyed and making them fall into lakes/ponds/rivers/pools/water tanks, while chasing after her or trying to fish her out (both in human and monster shape). A trollop. During her free time she's curled around Merlin and eats chocolate wrapped in shiny tin foil. So again, yes, any past-cr ideas, meeting, whatever, bring it on :3

Please add them, love them, torture them- XD And if anything have at me, by email or AIM.
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|09:57 pm]
Hello, all! This is Limos, Greek daimon of hunger; her information is here. Being who she is, Limos is always hungry and will eat anything. Of course, that doesn't stop her from looking extremely anorexic on good days and like skin stretched over a skeleton on bad ones. She's also a tad irritable - wouldn't you be if you were ravenously hungry all the time? - and generally wanders across the states, always homeless, always remaining close to the homeless populations of any given city as, of course, they are generally the hungriest portion of any population. She's also currently hungering on a different level; she is a rather weak immortal, due to a lack of much direct worship/name recognition, and wouldn't mind plotting and conspiring to change that with anyone willing to work with her.

Plotwise, she's Eris' daughter - and, thus, Nyx/Erebos' granddaughter - and would, of course, love to interact with all of her siblings, aunts, uncles, and various other family members. Anyone else associated with hunger or who has hunger as a part of their personality ('sup, Famine? 'sup, Wendi?) would likely get along with her as well, as much as she can really get along with anyone. Conversely, anyone who identifies with the harvest, with plenty, with crops, farming, etc, would likely not get along with her, which could also be fun! She'll be arriving in NYC shortly and will likely be visible within the less reputable areas of the city, stealing food from the homeless and wherever else she can get it and begging on the street when those methods don't work. Love her, feed her?

And, of course, I can be reached for plotting/chatting/etc on AIM at double8think, for plot any of my brood.

- Seana (Marijuana, the Marijuana Party, Methadone, GHB, Hockey, LGBTQ Culture, Classical Music, and Limos)
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