Forgotten Gods - June 18th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 18th, 2010

[Jun. 18th, 2010|02:37 pm]


I'm around, but not around, or whatever.

Next week's gonna be a little apeshit but I should be on AIM/posting more in the end of June/first couple of weeks of July. Final month of exchange in Japan and everything (bureaucracy and packing/shipping stuffs ahoy) so things are gonna be a little bumpy until late July.

Tweet me, email me, comment if I'm not on AIM. I'm around, just not around if you know what I mean XD
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[Jun. 18th, 2010|08:53 pm]


[mood | nerdy]

Hello again there! It's Lara again with not one, but two new characters. This is Liam and he is a Leprechaun. He's a funny little fellow who owns a shoe shop and he's been in New York since 1741. He's free for backstory or current story! Anything! His bio is here.

The second character is his mortal friend, Alastair Ramsey. He's a 'musician'. Yessss. And he's a lovely bloke. Bio here!

I'm a bit slow right now because my head is filled with a cold. But if you want to get ahold of me, I will answer back! I really promise!
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