Forgotten Gods - June 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 19th, 2010

Because I apparently did something to enrage the gods of Comcast... [Jun. 19th, 2010|09:25 am]
My Internet connection right now is extremely shaky. I'm trying to be on as much as possible since I don't know what to do with myself otherwise, but if I am not around much in the next week, disappear suddenly while we're talking, or am very slow tagging back, that's why. *shakes a tiny fist at Comcast*

-Chelsea [Quetzalcoatl, Osiris, St. George, Lizzie Borden]
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[Jun. 19th, 2010|10:43 am]


[mood | naughty]

Everyone try and act shocked and surprised to see Circe introing someone else. (Go on. Give it your very best attempt and I'll pretend to believe you and everything!)

Anyways, this here is Anat, a war goddess who was worshipped first by the Canaanites, shipped all around Mesopetamia in some form or other, before finally being imported to Egypt where she was given as a concubine (with Astarte) to Set. She considers herself mostly Egyptian these days.

She is a nasty piece of work, which may be slightly evidenced by the fact that she is working side by side with Apep and helped raise his mortal children, thereby further destroying any chance of those munchkins to be normal, happy people. Joy!

She is an art dealer in Chicago and has a mortal NPC assistant called Ayalah. Bios are in her journal for anyone interested. Other than that, she's here to mess with the 'good' Egyptians a little more.
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I put a spell on you, and then you're mine [Jun. 19th, 2010|11:10 am]


Hi guys!

I am inching ever closer to that 20. Which is sad.

Which is less sad is Morgan here. Famous witch, whose main purpose was to apparently kick Arthur in the shins a lot. She plans to continue this habit, however due to later interpretations of her that are bringing back an earlier interpretation (complicated, let me tell you), this may or may not change.

Anyway her app is here. And for those who have been watching Charlie vs the hunt of the PB I ended up going with this girl. I think I emailed everyone who was involved in the Morgan/Arthur battles, but if I happened to miss you let me know and we can hopefully work something out.

If anyone would like to work out plots/backstory with this girl I can be found on aim at bastblackrose and email-wise at
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Woof. [Jun. 19th, 2010|12:11 pm]
Hey! It's Amy with my newest kid, the ghostly Black Dog! She mostly goes by Gwyneth these days, and is a maladjusted creepy mofo.

She crossed over with the massive Irish immigration and gained a huge upswing of power since Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was published. She can now change form more or less at will, but has a much easier time of it in regions that have local black dog legends.

She's also very good at predicting death, so if anybody ever wants to borrow her for use as an omen of Extreme Creepiness or Impending Doom, hit me up!

My contact info is still the same- socksaresocky on AIM.
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Fenrir [Jun. 19th, 2010|04:43 pm]
Look at me, spamming the com

He hasn't been accepted into the coms yet, hence me posting on this account, but I'm impatient. I bring you Fenrir! His journal is [info]thebig_bad

He's Norse, and happens to be an enormous wolf when he's not human-shaped. He's one of Loki's children and is very eager to see his siblings again. To everyone not related to him, he's rather growly and ill-tempered, unless you also happen to be a canine. He's decided to give being human a shot after getting tranquilized and slapped with a radio tracking collar one too many times in Yellowstone.

I'd love to do some things with him, and my contact info is the same as ever :D

-Chelsea [Quetzalcoatl, Osiris, St. George, Lizzie Borden, Fenrir] 
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