Forgotten Gods - June 17th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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June 17th, 2010

[Jun. 17th, 2010|01:16 am]


I'd like to apologize, even if it isn't necessary, for being a little spotty with activity lately. My depression started acting up again, and it's been pretty bad, so I'm sorry for not being around as much as I should. But! I am back, and I have some delayed posts to make (see: Nut), so don't be expecting me to die off and disappear somewhere. ... except toward July, but that's just for two weeks.

That said, I'd totally love to do some past threads (and even current!), so I'll be emailing you kiddos sometime soon! ♥

- Angie
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[Jun. 17th, 2010|05:16 pm]


Okay, so... I'm impatient and don't want to wait for posting access to the OOC comm, so I'm just going to do it this way (cause I can play like the other impatient cool kids too!).

I'm bringing you Phanes ([info]bringtolight) who is and at the same time is not a Protogenoi. Technically he is, but in lieu of the mythology we use in FG, he is sort of a pseudo-Protogenoi. He is Khaos' son, the god of procreation, who was created at the exact moment of the first Greek birth (Erebos and Nyx's children). He's described as being both androgynous and intersexed, but for the purposes of FG he has both fully-functioning male and female sexes and is androgynous by gender, though prefers male pronouns because, well, it's what he's been going by for eons so he's just used to it.

He is really, incredibly unemployed right now and might even crack a smile for you if you have a job for him. And he's not picky - he's done just about everything you can think of and probably, somewhere, has the education to do just about everything else. He lived somewhere inside of Oxford for a good number of years and absorbed a lot of books in that time.

His PB is also Jethro Cave who is the actual biological son of Khaos' male PB and bears an uncanny resemblance to Khaos' female PB. It was meant to be~

So why, you ask, am I posting this with Chernobog's journal? Well, if Khaos is Chort's unofficial godparent, one can only assume Khaos returned the favor and went for an ultimate mind-fuck, making Chernobog into Phanes' unofficial godfather. Which would be endlessly amusing for all parties involved (except Phanes, who wants you to know that he's trying to make your head explode with his mind).

That's it. Hit me up with plot!

Sebastian, Nihilism, Nergal, Indie & Emo, Twee, Coyote, Opium, Conspiracy Theories, Chernobog, Tattoos, Geek Subculture, Harvey Milk, Ketamine, Annie Oakley and Phanes.
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PB halp to the rescue [Jun. 17th, 2010|09:50 pm]
Oh, oh, I've been meaning to post this up for the past little while. I made a PB post on my LJ a little while back, and it mostly features communities ganked off Wikicon, but I thought it'd be worth it to share. I'm very image-oriented, so having seas of PB possibilities is usually good for me, and I'm not sure who all here know about Wikicon, so I figured I'd post up the link.

Hope it'll help someone!
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