Forgotten Gods - June 7th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 7th, 2010

A quick heads-up [Jun. 7th, 2010|02:58 pm]
Mother Nature has apparently decided my area's had it too good for too long, and is tossing several storms our way. We've lost power and Internet connection (NOOOO) a couple of times throughout the past few days, and it was out for most of the day yesterday. I think the worst may be passed, but I thought I'd throw this up here so that I don't vanish suddenly with no explanation.

-Chelsea [Quetzalcoatl, Osiris, St. George, Lizzie Borden]
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Slowatus notice [Jun. 7th, 2010|09:05 pm]


[mood | bouncy]

Hey everyone, Jill here letting you know that my online time will be severely limited on Tuesday and Wednesday as my mom and grandmother have decided that I need to actually do something on my vacation and as such are taking me to Newport, RI for those days. I'll be away from my computer, but I'll have my phone with me so I can sort of keep up but I'll be slow since I'll be expected to do some family-related things.

I'll be back in full force Thursday, but if something comes up and you need me please drop me an email at Hell, if you have texting on your phone and want to text me stuff let me know and I'll email or PM my phone number to you.

I sense boredom in my future...
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Unhiatus! [Jun. 7th, 2010|09:13 pm]
I'm back (still puffy and numb, but man I feel good)! Oh my goodness, I'm back and ready to go. Expect manic tagging and new apps in the near future!
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