Forgotten Gods - June 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 8th, 2010

[Jun. 8th, 2010|09:32 am]


Just putting up a bit of a warning that I'll be on a slowatus of sorts for the next week or so as I try and regulate my schedule again. Trying to shift around a demented sleeping pattern around a new work regime will probably put me around sporadically until I get my arse in gear on things. Apologies to those I owe things and all that good stuff. ~♥ [Lust, Charity, Uriel, Raum, Mammon, Zel, Crius, Eos, Adrestia, Phantasos, Guinevere, Amaterasu, Franky, Stasya, Evie, Infidelity, Guns, Psychological Warfare, Pharm, Wind Power]
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Oh ho! [Jun. 8th, 2010|11:18 am]


I hear there is a Time Warp Week coming up? Well, this is awesome, but! I find myself lacking any and all plot for such a thing. I mean, I have the resiquite George Washington/Columbia meeting scene planned, but that's pretty much it! Is anyone interested?

The ones who work best for TWW for me are generally Mark, Jesse, and Columbia. Buuuuut, if anyone has any ideas for Rehab, Coke, Santa, or Pasithea I would be eternally grateful, as I do tend to neglect them so. (Mia and Salvia are a bit young to participate!)

Yes, this is a begging for plot post, and I am doing so shamelessly.

<3 Kendra
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