Forgotten Gods - June 6th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 6th, 2010

I hate hiatusing. [Jun. 6th, 2010|08:26 pm]
[mood | AUGH.]

Alllright ladies and lords, here's the deal.   Last night I was up until Ridiculously Late battling floodwater from ruining my basement.  Judging by the two-to-four inches of floodwater currently covering the floor to my bedroom, I was not particularly successful in this.  [Surprise!  Now I don't have a bedroom.]  That two-to-four inches of water extends beyond the Cave of Giants and into the room next to it--also known as Dad's Computer Room.

... you see what I'm getting at here, don't you.  Basically, our electrical shit may or may not be under water and things may or may not be fucked.  Daddy hasn't checked because he kind of likes his organs uncooked.  All we know is that our internet is completely nonexistent and there was a horrid, soul-killing [I'm not joking here] smell infiltrating our main floor earlier today.

What this means for you?  Well, obviously I am doing the ages-old Stealing Internet From Neighbors shtick [I'm kidding--it's not actually ages old], which as you all know is unreliable and makes kittens want to kill themselves.  Basically, I will be here when I can get internet, and... I won't be here when I can't.  Which, depending on how long I am able to jack this internet [Belkin_N_Wireless I love you?  :D] could be a day, or could be... more than a day.

So I reluctantly get around to the "I am going on hiatus until my house stops being a cesspool of failure" line.  Yeah, I don't like it either, but I think I did an excellent job of stalling before getting to-the-fact.  Happy sailing, guys.  [That's funny because my house is flooded, get it?]

--Judo; Martel, Kumiho, Eve, Boudicca, Sloth, Asteria
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