Forgotten Gods - June 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 5th, 2010

I lied. [Jun. 5th, 2010|02:26 pm]
I went on hiatus and then a couple weeks back I said "Oh no okay I'm off hiatus" and then several nasty things strung together all in a row said "no you're not"

I am informed that the appropriate lingo that you people use is slowatus in that I an theoretically available less than fifteen percent of the time and am happy to have you bug me with the understanding that I am slowly lapsing into stress-related insanity.

applies to triphop and hojing.
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How's my DRIVING? [Jun. 5th, 2010|03:45 pm]



How's My Driving?

Monthly activity check's over, and whaddaya know, it's the mid-year HMD~

For those new to HMD posts, this is basically a chance for players to offer each other comments, constructive criticism, concerns and thoughts about the way others' characters are being portrayed. The idea is to give people a sense of how they're going with their characters and whether there's anything they can improve on, as well as getting any concerns that folk might have out in the open.

As players aren't always comfortable approaching certain people with criticisms, anonymous commenting is enabled. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone that whether or not you choose to respond anonymously, all comments should be respectful and constructive. While concrit can sometimes be uncomfortable for the recipient, it ultimately aims to be helpful. Downright criticism and nitpicking simply aren't, and flaming will absolutely not be tolerated.

Although HMDs are completely voluntary, I would strongly encourage people to participate. This is a great opportunity to receive and give valuable feedback, and also to raise and potentially resolve any misunderstandings or issues that might be getting in the way of plot and people's enjoyment of the game. Make the most of it!

If you want to offer your character/s up for comments, just respond to this post with their name/s.

Also, please bear in mind the mod update regarding anon comments - while the point of HMD posts is to encourage others and offer constructive criticism regarding how characters are being portrayed, it is not an avenue for trolling, spam and/or personal attacks.

To report any errors, please reply to this comment.
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[Jun. 5th, 2010|09:38 pm]
My apologies to all in-sundry, because this really should have come at the beginning of last month. I want to thank all of you for an incredible playing experience at FG. It's been my pleasure and my privilege to play with such a collection of brilliant and creative writers.

The last thing I want to do is character-sit, so with that in mind, please:

List of Friend Removes )

Thank you, Jess and LCP, for letting me play in this sandbox. It's been a wild ride, and I've loved the characters and the interactions I've had here. I wish you all the best! If any of you want to keep in contact, my AIM is the same: somescribbles321.

Take care, have fun, and rock on!

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