Forgotten Gods - June 4th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 4th, 2010

[Jun. 4th, 2010|12:45 pm]


'In 793, on June 8th, Vikings sacked the monastery on the British island of Lindisfarne, an act which began the Viking Age.'

Which translates to: 'This little Viking medievalist will be away from this evening until late Monday night because she has to go to Lindisfarne camping so she can burn it to the ground dress up like a fool, eat lots of medieval food, hit people with sticks and drink more wine than the human body can handle.'

Back soon!
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Mid-Hiatus Hiatus Notice [Jun. 4th, 2010|12:46 pm]
So, immediately after pestering people rudely about tagging, I dropped of the face of the Earth to get jaw surgery. I got home from the hospital yesterday and am very tired, numb, and druggy, so this is a notice that I'll be on major slowatus for the next week or so. Love, and hope everyone is well! Q will return soon.

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