Forgotten Gods - June 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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June 3rd, 2010

[Jun. 3rd, 2010|12:57 pm]


Two quick things before I race off to uni.

1. Narrative posts. These should really be posted in [info]forgotten_gods. If it's something minor or it's only short (for example, this or this), it's fine to just throw it in the character's journal, but in the case of longer narratives, particularly ones involving key events, please post them in the RP comm as you would any other narrative.

2. Anonymous dickery. At this time, I'm prepared to accept that the recent incident involving an anonymous commenter may have been the work of a drive-by troll. However, it's not the first time a douchey anon comment has appeared in the OOC comm and if it happens again, I will turn on IP logging. I will find out who is responsible and if that person is a member of the game, there will be consequences. There are no excuses for this kind of behaviour. Seriously. I shouldn't even have to say it.

Edit: I have discovered the probable identity of the troll, and am happy to report that it was not a member of the community. However, what I've said still stands-- we get any more anonymous fuckery and I will turn on IP logging.
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don't make me go all joan crawford on you! omgaaaawd [Jun. 3rd, 2010|08:22 pm]
Hurrrr if you've been stalking the apps page you'll have seen that some stupid bimbo thought that Dione and Phoebe were the same person. LOL THAT WAS ME.

Anyway so YEAH. Hi, my name's Cynthia, I'm bringing in Phweebs Phoebe of the Greeks. AND MY PB HAS A BABY SO THERE'S CUTE ICONS OF HER WITH BABIES she loves her children okay ;3;

So uhm...yeah! I've heard you all have this devastating disease which means you all play an ungodly amount of characters like apps are your heroin, but I'mma try to stay free of this one because...................................................uhm. I have a good reason, really! No, please stop enabling me I just got here...

Her app's in her first post and...idk what to post off the bat? Like, should she recognize the voices of everyone or...? ALSO. I am barely there with Greek mythology so I know like zilch about most others...sorry! I'm always up for learning, though! Unless you're going to tell me about drugs because I play junkies a lot AND I THINK I'M JUST RAMBLING SO HAVE SOMETHING I SAW ON FACEBOOK LAST NIGHT AND HAD TO CAP:

SORRY CUT NOW ) anyone who knows the lyrics for her icon keywords gets my children :>
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[Jun. 3rd, 2010|09:14 pm]
Back from hiatus a little bit earlier than expected! I'm not sure how much I'll be around this weekend due to millions of nieces/nephews/cousins/etc. having graduations and graduation parties and what not. Oh, the joys of a large family.

Anywho, I'm gonna start trying to catch up. Feel free to fill me in on anything I missed.

Cassie (Lilith, Speed, Hippie, Narcissus, Saleos)
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