Forgotten Gods - June 2nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 2nd, 2010

halp halp! xD [Jun. 2nd, 2010|01:51 am]
Okay, so I know I am very brand-new to the game, but I am already loving it AND in desperate want of plotting.

Alex and I have Jude and Étaín, and once upon a time they had a little romance back during the Depression. Something split them up (of course) and we're not sure whether they'll end up together again (bwahahaha, we just enjoy the awkward).


We cannot figure out what might have split them up-- we were hoping for something along the lines of angry demon or possible someone with revenge on the brain or honestly really anything, we just want to play with other folks too. If nothing works out, we'll just split them up for totally boring, totally mundane, totally sleepy reasons and it will be all your fault so ACT TODAY! (? I don't even know.)

So! Halp, halp! Look, Étaín has the pleading face on. It's the I-would-love-to-plot-with-people pleading face.
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Calling all cars, etc. [Jun. 2nd, 2010|08:07 am]


Good morning, my sunshiny heathens! I know that the Americans were busy with Memorial Day and everyone has shenanigans up the wazoo going on, but I thought I'd (re-)throw cheap lulz out there for all of FG to enjoy.

The carnival's back in NYC, and they'd very much like some patronage. We have a thread up and running (there will be more open sub-threads later today, FYI), so feel free to stop by and let your little monsters have a relatively angst-free day of fun. Or you can just torture them with carnies. We're here for all needs.

They'll be in town for most of June, and you're more than welcome to start your own posts if your characters would like to hit up the carnival, but for the sake of random interaction, giving the game a free-for-all sounded fun.

So! If you're in need of thrills, chills, wonder and whimsy -- half the Greek pantheon, Egyptians, I'm looking at you -- stop on by and enjoy the show. Just remember: you break it, you buy it.
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[Jun. 2nd, 2010|08:56 am]


Hi guys! Kat here, with her official foray into having a cast list in the double digits! He doesn't have comm access yet, but this is Mandrake and he is my tenth character! He thinks he's pretty hot shit, lived in Italy until the 90s, and resents the hell out of J.K. Rowling and her stupid boy-wizard books for dragging him over to the States in the first place (see: Chamber of Secrets). Right now he runs an online store selling herbal remedies, specializing in mandrake of course. Drake's been around since ancient Rome, so I figure he's met a couple of you crazy kids before; plot or backstory or logs, or all of the above, are most welcome! I'm fixing to start work soon, but when I get off this afternoon you can reach me on AIM or by email, both of which are the same as they always are!
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[Jun. 2nd, 2010|01:03 pm]
Hey all. Unfortunately, I've decided to drop the Zorya, Sydney and Deidra.

However, I bring you Kushiel, an angel of punishment. Yeah, she's pretty rigid and firm in her beliefs. She's not the joking type, she's not a smiler, and she'll probably come off as unfriendly. She's just very set in her purposes and refuses to be swayed. These days she's an officer for the NYPD. Bio is here. Info is the same.
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[Jun. 2nd, 2010|08:26 pm]


Hi guys! I'm being an impatient monkey, and am thus introducing yet another character. This is Scheherazade, famed storyteller of the One Thousand and One Nights. She went from telling her tales to save her life to currently working as a storyteller in the children's section of the library.

Any plots, or backstory is appreciated, and I can be found on aim at bastblackrose.

Also a small note, but the link on the cast page leads to a 404 error. Her lj-name is [info]athousandandone.
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