Forgotten Gods - May 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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May 24th, 2010

[May. 24th, 2010|07:17 pm]


Hey kids! Two quick notes:

- Exam time is here, so I'm going to be scarce for the next fortnight as I scramble to get my final essays done. Should be all finished by June 7, after which I have holidays, but in the meantime please excuse any slowness in RP. <3

- The response to Time Warp Week seems to be a resounding yes, so I was thinking we could get that underway within the next few weeks, possibly the week beginning June 13. Queries, comments, objections, suggestions, just let me know!
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[May. 24th, 2010|09:55 pm]


Hullo, FG.

It occurs to me this is my first time posting something like this, please forgive fumbling and what will likely be many details I forget.

Starting in June, Triton will be putting into motion a project.

Painters, sculptors, photographers, musicians, writers, poets, designers, dancers......anyone in these and related fields will have the chance to hear of the following: The art collector, Merric Thorne, will be looking for people to create something in their given field, with the sea nymph Triteia as inspiration. Existing artwork and stories on Triteia can be supplied as information, as well as generous funding for promising projects. The various works will be collected and displayed together, and they will be sent both around the country and the globe. All of 'Merric's' contacts and resources will be going into this, so it will be a highly publicized event, when it happens.

So! Anyone with a character, mortal or immortal, who would want to do something with this is more than welcome to. Collaborations will be allowed as well, so that might result in some interesting partnerships!
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