Forgotten Gods - May 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 25th, 2010

New characters alert! [May. 25th, 2010|08:40 am]
[mood | bouncy]

Hey everyone, Jill here bringing in two new characters - Comic Books and Hyakinthos. Yes, someone has been a busy bee.

Comic Books is actually Peter Lee and Laurie Moore. Peter owns a comic books store that's located in Joe's Coffee Shop (thanks Sid!) while Laurie is a middle school student who both are amazed hasn't gotten suspended yet. One is the Hero-Comic-Genre while the other is the Pulp-Comic-Genre. Can you guess who?

Hyakinthos, on the other hand, is Clio's son, a total flirt, and a high school gym teacher (don't ask).

Both are ready for fun and raring to go, along with my other crew; Blues, Echo, Eleos, Hymenaios, Kieran, Lilibeth, and Persephone; and I'm available for plots either over AIM (la belle roo) or email (

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[May. 25th, 2010|06:11 pm]
This is Ella with her second character. And this time, she will stick. Because she is a GREEK! Brace yourselves, ladies and gentleman, for HELEN OF SPAAAAARTATROY. Finally got around to apping her, so here she is. Throw plot suggestions at her and Kára!

What may qualify this as the worst timed add, however, is that I will be out of town from Thursday, May 27 to Monday, May 31. Since you guys post like bunnies, I'll probably need a catch-me-up when I return, but in the meantime, PLOT AWAY!
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[May. 25th, 2010|06:24 pm]


I know I did this entirely too recently. It seems to be a trend with me. I go months with just my current cast and then poof, the ideas flow and then I have more than one intro in just a matter of days.

This is Tegen. While that's not her true name, she isn't going to be giving out her true name, so Tegen will do. She's a piskey, also known as pixie, pixi, pigsie et cetera. They are in fact not small blue guys with big ears. She's an aerialist at a dark circus themed club called La Lune in the city, primarily working in silks. She's also a mischief maker, has a tendency to lead people on merry chases, and she's a kleptomaniac though she has no idea and will probably be offended if called on it. It's not her fault if things just end up in her hands or pockets somehow, now is it?

Originally from Cornwall she does still have a bit of a southern english accent and stark silver hair. Play, plotting, whatnot, aim is kaimelarelle

♥ Crys
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hhhi [May. 25th, 2010|08:13 pm]


Oh, look who it is again, aren't you supraized? Angie here with Morgause from Arthurian legends, under the alias Moira Gant. She's Arthur's half-sister (same mother, different father), a saucy British bitch, and a criminal lawyer. And mother of Gareth and Gawain. Also coming in with her is her cute little intern NPC Katie Hickey, who'll be acting as her eyes in or beyond the office.

I suppose I should take this opportunity to declare hiatus rather than clogging up the comm. I'll be in Toronto for Anime North from the 28th-31st, and I'll have no internet. I'm leaving Thursday night and coming back home around noonish on the 31st!

This affects: Barachiel, Calypso, Freyja, Lamia, Mnemosyne, Nut, Pan, Verrine, and Vicodin

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