Forgotten Gods - May 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 23rd, 2010

[May. 23rd, 2010|12:56 am]


Question for you fine folks! Around this time last year we had a Time Warp Week, suggested and organised by the lovely Lena. Essentially, the idea was that we all take full advantage of the [info]forgotten_past comm, taking the opportunity to explore different points in our characters' (for the most part) very lengthy histories. It was a huge amount of fun, it opened some great opportunities for plot and gave people the chance to RP with new players and characters.

Would anybody be interested in doing it again this year? :D

And while I'm here, here are some lonely threads waiting for replies!
- Britannia, Hibernia, Gareth, Gawain, Harrison: British Memorial Garden, Hanover Square (It's a party! Get your Brits down there!)
- Thalia: Time Warner Center, outside the CNN studios (because i am shameless Poor girl's having a bit of a breakdown)
- Selene: Paragon sports store (Sounds like she's having a bit of a bad day)
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New Saint on the block [May. 23rd, 2010|03:32 pm]
Gabriel is always being told that his deputy is a saint. And they'd be right, because lo and behold, he actually is ;)

This, ladies and gentlemen, is Saint Martin of Tours. Also known as Martin Thierry - Deputy Chief of Staff to Senator Jefferson of New York.

Plots with fellow saints, Christians, and everything inbetween very much welcome.

&hearts Michelle
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