Forgotten Gods - May 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 22nd, 2010

[May. 22nd, 2010|12:21 am]
I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I've dropped Mac ([info]macfrontman) and CJ ([info]mybffjack). So no more mortals for me, sadly. But CJ just didn't pick up the way I wanted her to and Mac was become obsolete with Emo no longer residing in NYC.

The good news is that I have someone new to make up for it!

I'm bringing you guys the world's greatest sharpshooter (at least that's what her legend says, so it must be true) Annie Oakley! I think she sort of introduces herself. But currently she owns a shooting range just outside NYC, teaches shooting, gun safety and womens' self-defense classes and she also still works on the competitive shooting circuit. She's very giving, lively, a constant performer and she likes putting on a good show for people. She'd also love it if Buffalo Bill showed up in the city. Just sayin. And she knows every word to Annie Get Your Gun like some people know their address. It's a totally awful side-effect of her being, rly.

So! If anyone would like to plot with her or any of my other kids, I'm still dustoffapple on AIM or

Saint Sebastian, Nihilism, Nergal, Indie, Emo, Twee, Coyote, Opium, Conspiracy Theories, Chernobog, Tattoos, Geek Subculture, Harvey Milk, Ketamine & Annie Oakley
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[May. 22nd, 2010|03:19 am]
This here is PI Doyle, and he's here to throw very large wrenches into things.

The cool thing about Doyle is that he's a regular mortal dude, who does private investigation for a living, who can be hired by anyone -- good god, bad god, or otherwise -- to dig up dirt on somebody else. Being as his general alignment is chaotic good, he won't stand for any illegal (okay, mostly illegal) demands and anything that makes his nose itch, he will investigate on his own. He has absolutely no idea about immortals. At all. Squat. Nada. Buuuut he's beginning to get one.

Even though his dad's tied to the NYPD, Doyle is affiliated only to himself and runs a self-employed investigation business. And as a PI, one must have craploads of contacts. Anyone want their characters, gods or mortals, to have a (business or other) contact with Doyle? Otherwise, he's up for employment/plotting!

As always, you can reach me at itstonystark @ AIM and via e-mail. ♥

-Sid (Belial, Psych, Coffee, Jophiel, etc)
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[May. 22nd, 2010|09:47 am]


This is George Washington. He never touched his father's cherry tree and his false teeth were made of ivory and human teeth, not wood. He's alive and kicking, and he wants to plot with you!

-Kat (George Washington, Johnny Reb, Laura James, Biological Warfare, Ecstasy, Laudanum, Marzanna, Television, and Jazz)
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[May. 22nd, 2010|10:59 am]


Hallo FG!

I present to thee one of the Erotes. This is Hedylogos, god of sweet talk and flattery. He's a flirt, he's falsely cynical and mildly sarcastic and he just moved to New York because he hated L.A. and a little birdy told him that his family was here.

He has an adorable southern accent from living in New Orleans for over a century and of course is open to all kinds of play and plottings and such!

Aim as always kaimelarelle and gmail at glamourbound!

♥ Crys
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AHOY [May. 22nd, 2010|12:34 pm]
Babiesss ♥ Angie here with another one: the archangel St. Barachiel, who'll be going by Chiara Baratti here in New York. Barachiel was prayed to in older days, mostly by parents, to protect their children, but also their families. She's not as recognized by the Catholic church, but there's been debate as to whether or not she (originally as he, but let's face it, angels can go either way) is the same as Baraqiel, the fallen angel. And because I'm a cruel person, sides of Baraqiel will show in her, but only for brief episodes.

She's rather quiet but lovely, she has an affinity for white roses (like her username didn't make it obvious enough), and she works at the Children's Aid Society. Barachiel spent a huge chunk of her life in Italy, and has only been in the US for less than 15 years. She's not new, though. c: Just... under the radar.

Contact is still mean umbrellas! Will be going to paint my new house, so if I don't respond until eveningish, that's where I am. X)
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[May. 22nd, 2010|04:22 pm]

Awfully late happy birthday gift, Catwo! e )
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