Forgotten Gods - May 18th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 18th, 2010

Introibo. [May. 18th, 2010|12:15 am]


Hi, I'm yet another new person. I'm Alex, I come to you from a forcefully dull town in Eastern Ontario, and I haven't done RP with a group in like five years, so please be patient with me. I farted around fruitlessly in university for seven years but if pressed I'd say I was in Classics, mostly Roman literature of the dirty joke variety (Juvenal! Martial! Catullus! Ovid!), but I also dig basically anything book-related that doesn't involve too much math or science. As you can imagine, I'm raking in the cash in a job totally related to the field of the degree I didn't get. (Read: I have a lot of time on my hands.)

This here is Saint Jude, who is the patron saint of impossible causes and desperate situations, your last resort when praying to everyone else didn't work, and part of the wonderful Catholic tradition of "Sure, this is basically folk magic, but don't tell Protestants that." He was one of the Apostles, a relative of Jesus himself, but was often mistaken in later centuries for Judas Iscariot. Who naturally you wouldn't pray to, unless all the other saints you know of had failed.

So Jude these days is an overworked social worker at Bellevue, who has a lot of trouble saying no. Recovering Dorothy-Dayish socialist, gets into long conversations with homeless people, goes to synagogue services sometimes as well as Mass, has heard so many jokes about that song by now that it stopped being unfunny and started being funny again.

Available for plotting, and my awkwardness with strangers does eventually evaporate. elkdogmen on AIM, although given my odd hours you might get a more efficient response via email,
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Enter Sir Tristan of Lyonesse [May. 18th, 2010|06:03 am]



This is Tristan, knight of Arthur's famous round table, hero of a romantic but terribly tragic love story which was immortalised in poems, movies, comics and an epic, epic and tragic opera by Richard Wagner. He lives in Miami, pretending to be an Italian in exile, and works for the Mafia (HI ERYNN!).

Full history is in his profile, my contact info is in the contact info post on the mod journal. Shenanigans with fellow knights and kings and crooks and everything else that makes sense are more than welcome.

Have a good day!

-- Ling et. al.
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[May. 18th, 2010|02:13 pm]
This is Michelle, adding yet another Greek to the gene pool. This fellow is Atlas - you may know of him as the Titan son of Iapetus, condemned to hold up the heavens by Zeus. Terrible job, but at least he wasn't stuck in Tartarus, right?

Aside from lending his name to collections of maps, he currently works as an Air Force General who heads up NORAD, based primarily out of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. Which sadly, does not include a secret agency which travels via wormholes and fights aliens.

More details are available in his bio, and as usual, plots and backstory are very much welcome :)
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[May. 18th, 2010|04:34 pm]
Back home.

Frakking toaster volcano. 'Nuff said.

Sooo this is back from hiatus. Hit me up with whatever I have pending, since I'm bound to have forgotten everything and then some. In the meantime, always ready for plottings.

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Hi there, my name is Paranormal Stalker Guy, how are you? [May. 18th, 2010|07:22 pm]
Hello, my name is Emilee. I joined here a long time ago with Lamia, said hi, was promptly hit with a wave of "screw you" from school, and dropped off of the face of the earth. Or, uh, this rp, anyway (plus half of the other extracurricular anythings I was doing, but uh...).

However! It is summertime, and I am out of that godawful school (Kodu can vouch, we suffered it together) and, therefore, not commuting on top of it, so I officially can carve out some sort of social life on the internet *and* at home and take up nerding out with my favorite creepy cryptid stalker dude, the Mothman. Wooo~

So! Meet the Mason County Bird Monster, "that bird," etc, but more popularly known as the Mothman. He likes eating dogs, chasing cars, screwing with your phones, stalking your backyards, and long walks on the beach. Actually, he's more or less just deciding to pop back up and walk amongst men, watching them, still being a veritable creeper, just a little less... imposing, if it's really all that possible for him. In his human form, he seems normal enough, at first, if not a bit "off." He's pretty easily fascinated by things and somewhat shy "in person," and isn't as vicious as his reputation and peculiar appetite for fear and the family pets would make him out to be.

His presence is still fairly off-putting, given that he also tends to be a harbinger of bad things. So if anyone wants to throw him into anything, that'd be excellent. :D

/awkward introduction

Oh, I suppose I should also say that the sample post is inspired by one eye-witness encounter/a scene in the movie (dorrrk) and an experience my grandmother had with a strange, black, winged creature with big, red eyes that predicted the death of her uncle. You know, for the lulz?
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