Forgotten Gods - May 17th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 17th, 2010

[May. 17th, 2010|10:20 am]


so, i managed to burn hand pretty badly at work last night and am finding it hard to type at the moment. i know there are a number of pedning apps waiting for approval and will try to get to them asap, ditto for the replies i'm owing, but yeah. just bear with me.


(oh, and happy birthday, catwo!)
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[May. 17th, 2010|01:46 pm]
Okay, so here's the thing.

Valefar here specialises in playing nice with thieves, encouraging them to do all sorts of criminal acts, and then eventually turning them into the authorities. Or at least that's her modern day MO - which is part of why she plays the criminal defense attorney. "Do anything you like, and I'll get you out of it," she tells them. Until the day when there is an anonymous phone tip to the relevant alphabet soup agency.

And I was wondering - who would like to volunteer to be her next, er, victim? She has plenty of NPC clients on the books to play with, but I thought it might be fun to have someone in-game to be her little pet project.

And it feels strange posting about this on a demon's account, but Gabriel could do with some more plot too ;)
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Sad day :[ [May. 17th, 2010|10:09 pm]
It feels like a cliche to start this post with an "I've given this a lot of thought...", but at the same time, it's true.

I know I've been on hiatus (and thank you, Jess, for being so understanding about me needing a long-ass hiatus :[ ), and honestly I needed that time to decide what I was going to do with this game, as well as with my characters. I love The Minotaur, Peyote, and The Internet so much, and there are many people here that I greatly admire and enjoy. However, I think the game has gotten to be...a little more than I can handle. Better to bow out now than try to keep up and disappoint everyone, I suppose.

Thank you to everyone who plotted and wrote with me, and thank you to Jess, who has always been a very fabulous and understanding mod. (We never got a chance to plot, Jess. :[ For that I am definitely sorry.) If anyone feels so inclined, I can be reached on AIM at YouJustSayBingo or via email at

Stay classy, FG. I'll miss the action, but I just can't keep up. Annnnd that's what she said.

-Elizabeth (The Minotaur [info]cantfindtheexit, Peyote [info]pushingbuttons, and The Internet [info]thewhimaffect)
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