Forgotten Gods - May 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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May 19th, 2010

[May. 19th, 2010|07:51 am]


Bringing another Christian, specifically a demon, into the game (ORLY? Like you couldn't tell from the username) Anything you want, anything you need, Astaroth can procure and even drop it into your hands - if you can afford what's on the price tag.

Will upload, err, more 'serious' icons sometime later.

-- LCP
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OOC Introduction [May. 19th, 2010|08:25 am]
[mood | excited]

Well after a lengthy history of listening to my favorite person in the whole world rave about his game, I have taken a leap down the proverbial rabbit hole.

HI! I'm Ariel and I'm introducing the sometimes delightful, sometimes neurotic Valium (a/k/a Leo Stern as played by Orlando Bloom) into the game!

His background is posted in his journal. You can regularly find him haunting coffee shops, Central Park, bookstores and art galleries. He likes to sit and write in places that provide quiet and/or inspiration. Write what you ask? Technical manuals, instructions and reports. A snooze fest? Yes. But what do you expect from VALIUM? In his downtime he is working on a novel. But don't bother asking him about because he won't tell you anything.

He likes to think of himself as respectable and doesn't quite know what to make of the illicit side of the drug family. But he's no prude and he's not squeamish. There's part of him that craves a walk on the wild side...

I have company this week so I'm going to be getting off to a slow start (many apologies for that) but I'm eager to meet people and let Valium start meeting his fellow f_g New Yorkers!
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