Forgotten Gods - April 10th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 10th, 2009

Account switching help: LJlogin [Apr. 10th, 2009|12:29 am]
Just thought I would post about this here since there are a few people who seem not to know of it.

Meet your new best journal-roleplaying friend: LJlogin.

LJlogin is a Firefox add-on that you can set-up to save your passwords to Livejournal, Insanejournal and others of the sort. Then it settles on your browser's status bar, and you only have to make two clicks to switch between accounts. After doing so, don't forget to refresh your page or head to a different page altogether, since your browser cookie needs to know where and what account you are using.

Even if you don't use Firefox on a regular basis, try it and check it out. I assure you, it has saved me and others quite a lot of time.
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[Apr. 10th, 2009|01:27 am]
This is Kates, with her second character in less than a week! Whoo!

Anyway, this is Gore, one of the new gods. He likes blood. Reeeeally likes blood. He's also kind of obnoxious. And he's loud and a bit of a sadist. Won't this guy be fun to play with?

I really want to throw him at some of the pacifist gods (because pfft, violence is cool you guys!). So yeah. Who wants to play with Gore? =D
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[Apr. 10th, 2009|06:57 am]
Hey all! I swear I haven't disappeared! Our net went kaput on wednesday morning and was out all yesterday. So to anyone I've been tagging I'm SO sorry! I'll get right on that! Edit: Thus is the reason I'm hopefully going to be giving flute lessons soon so I can get our own net and stop going through this. *crosses fingers*


And BAD Psyche! She promised Zora she wouldn't tell! *GASP!*
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[Apr. 10th, 2009|10:00 am]
OKAY HAI. This is so late, But I have been sick X__X so, sorry about the late intro. This is Elisha here, stepping away from the crazy to bring you Music Industry! She's a spit fire, is loads of fun and will SMACK A BITCH if she sees anyone downloading music for free. Don't get her started on that, she'll rant and rave about that issue for hours. O_O Check out her profile, I suck at intros, lmao.

My email is the best way to reach me @
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We're all living in America; Coca-cola, Wonderbra! [Apr. 10th, 2009|06:17 pm]


I'm going over to the USA tomorrow (the 11th) on vacation and I won't be back until the 19th of April 8D So, that's like 10th to 18th April in American time (the time difference is greater than the time it takes to fly there LOL)

I'll be taking Ares, Samael, Tsukuyomi and Alex Forsyth with me.

I don't know if I'll get any time to post while I'm gone, so I might not completely disappear off the face of the Earth, but I definitely won't be posting as often.

I'll miss you guys while I'm gone T_T And Ares blogging about doing stupid shit. XD

Your resident god of war will be busy rolling around in his bed recovering from piercing Mclovin' (YOU REMIND ME HOW MUCH I MISS OUR CRACK, POSEIDON) - yes, he finally decided to get it pierced - and the other three will be busy doing their respective work, as usual.

Bai bai! Take care! And thanks for all the well wishes. ;D
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ouch! [Apr. 10th, 2009|10:04 pm]
So sorry Apollo, Pheme (this here girl) and The Algea haven't been around. D:< Some family/personal stuff had me afk like whoa. I'd like for them to have some interactions, so let me know if any of you are interested!

Missed ya'll~ sorry again for disappearing!
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