Forgotten Gods - April 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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April 9th, 2009

[Apr. 9th, 2009|09:45 am]


Nik here!

Because I'm completely and utterly batshit insane I'd like to introduce Coal. He is the Big O's big BROTHER. He's the primary fuel source for America's electricty and most of the world to boot. Are we surprised that he's a bastard or something of sexist? Nah. Didn't think so.

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[Apr. 9th, 2009|12:26 pm]
I have the flight of doom back home overseas which will srsly take about more than a day since I'm flying from Canada to Scotland. I have layovers like whoa, so I'll probably try and do a little something of use with Cocaine, Morphine and Polemos (oh hai, he is a minor god of war). Sorry to those who have talked to them (if they have )or have wanted to thread. They've been kinda shit to me in my head. But they're starting to behave.

See ya soon!
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Wicked woman alert! [Apr. 9th, 2009|04:00 pm]
[Current Location |Work]
[mood | excited]

Hey all Jill here, (Diligence-mun), bringing in a new character - Jezebel. She's looking quite forward to making friends and the like, so please add her! The application is available for viewing in her journal if you have no idea who she is. ^^

As always, I can be reached on AIM at la roo terrible and via email at if you want to plot or whatnot. Looking forward to wreaking havoc. ^o^
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[Apr. 9th, 2009|05:18 pm]
Hi guys! This is Teresa, again - I know, I know, I should stop. I guess I will, for now. Let's hope the Easter plot bunnies don't bite me for my words.

Introducing Goth ([info]night_creature), AKA Victoria Eve, goddess of the Goth subculture. She has just arrived to New York, after touring the States for a while.

There are several plot hooks I would like to explore with her; some characters would relate to her better than others (the entire Christian pantheon comes to mind, as well as any night/darkness deities, Hecate, and a heck of a lot of the New Gods). She'll also harass the Headless Horseman and the Norse with a vengeance. Any other interaction would also be welcome, though ^^

Again, my AIM is teresavneves, and I can also be found at MSN, GTalk or email under

Onward, to posting!
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Introducing... [Apr. 9th, 2009|08:18 pm]
Hello, everyone, this is Shira! Because this game is a pure, unadulterated addiction, I bring you Deborah "Dev" Thomas. She is a sophomore in college, the child of divorced parents, and a converted, completely devoted Christian. She's got some history that the drug gods might find interesting as well. She's majoring in international studies with a minor in nursing, and she plans on spending the rest of her life on the mission field - right now, she's got her eye on Malawi. You can check out her complete history here, if you like.

I'd really like to keep her somewhat immortal!innocent for now, so I'm going to make it so that she can't see any blog entries that directly pertain to god!things. And even after her poor brain is broken about it, I'll limit it to the gods which she knows about. Any interaction with their mortal personas would be welcome, though!
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Meeting my OOC posting limit for the week... [Apr. 9th, 2009|09:08 pm]


I've been plotting with myself, and, um-- would any would anyone be interested in possibly helping me moving Jesse's wife out of the category of NPC and into a played character?

Just sort of throwing it out there, because my brain is whirring like crazy. I'm at an amazon BLT if anyone happens to be interested!

<3 Kendra

Done and awesome :DDDD
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Set the world on fire... [Apr. 9th, 2009|09:44 pm]
[mood | bouncy]

Hey everyone, Lily here again (ohnoes, hopefully this doesn’t get more frequent!)
And I’d like to introduce to you all, Abaddon,( [info]first_woe ) The Destroyer, angel of the bottomless pit, hellish lord and social worker..

As always, my AIM is oontzcompelsyou for plotting ideas. I’m always up for threading, just give me a poke and I’ll be all over that. ^.^
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