Forgotten Gods - April 11th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 11th, 2009

<3 [Apr. 11th, 2009|12:20 am]
[mood | cheerful]

It's me, Legend again! Just in case you missed them (though I don't know how, they're apparently everywhere!) I figured I'd go ahead and introduce the newest Norse kids-- Urd, Skuld, and Verdandi (the sane one) are here to play! So please feel free to add treeguards to your friendslists. <3 And also to AIM me at Shandriz if you're interested in having anything to do with them or with Yhi.
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[Apr. 11th, 2009|01:11 pm]
[mood | peaceful]

Callirhoe here again (Inanna/Baldr/C&P/Iktomi-mun) with another goddess, since I lack self-control apparently. Meet Mbaba Mwana Waresa, the Zulu goddess of rain, agriculture, and rainbows (and the inventor of beer!). Her name is long and difficult, so she typically just goes by Joy. She's currently hanging out in Brooklyn as an artist-of-all-trades: she's by turns a busker, street dancer, public-space artist, and general nurturer of the arts and caretaker of mortals. She also paints rainbows on the sky. <3 She'd love to make new friends and/or catch up with old ones -- her people's traditional religion has really merged with Christianity to a great extent, so I can see her being familiar with some of the nicer Christians, perhaps.

I also want to take this opportunity to make my apologies to everyone to whom I owe tags and/or threads -- my internet at home has been futzing out over the past few days, and right now I'm at my parents' house for Easter weekend and therefore have limited computer time, but I will get caught up as soon as I possibly can. Thanks for being patient with me, and happy holidays and all. :)
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[Apr. 11th, 2009|03:37 pm]
Dawn here. Sorry I've been quiet, but things got a bit hectic in the past week. I know it's a holiday weekend, but I was wondering if anyone that's around wants to plot with any of these three (The Neikea)? I'm up for pretty much anything.

I might poke some of you on AIM, if I catch you online, for ideas I already have brewing. But you can comment here or hit me up on AIM as well at DawnM1227.
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