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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Jan. 27th, 2011|12:53 pm]

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Who:Internet, OPEN
What:Internet looking for a good (or bad) time
When:After his meeting with Cyber Warfare, around 11pm that night
Where:Club Shanti

After some rest, some sex, and some food, Internet was ready to go out and do a little pre-celebrating for Google's pending time out. )
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[Jun. 2nd, 2010|01:09 am]

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Who: Mammon ([info]never_enough) & temporary loan of Big Oil ([info]refining)
What: Aftermath of a productive Satan
When: May 23rd (Backdated like crazy)
Where: Exxon Mobil's Corporate Offices - Dallas

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[Mar. 22nd, 2010|01:47 pm]
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Who: Automobiles and Big Oil
What: "Catching Up."
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Texas, outside the Valdez Ranch
Rating: OMG, so R.

Harder. Faster. Stronger. Better. )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|02:04 pm]

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Who: Big Tobacco and Big Oil
What: Not even Texas is big enough for these egos.
Where: Big Oil’s huge sprawling house-thing
When: Backdated to November 7th.

Hoooooooome, hooooooooooome on the range! )
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[Jan. 5th, 2009|08:34 pm]
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Who: Big Oil and OPEN!
Where: Lotus, a high end restaurant/club
When: Late dinner time
Rating/Warnings: There's a little bit of sexual imagery but it isn't past PG.

True to his word, Big Oil was surronded by people )
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