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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Oct. 19th, 2010|07:09 pm]

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WHO: Aglaia & Eupheme
WHEN: Monday noon
WHERE: A small bakery and cafe in Manhattan
WHAT: Splendor and Acclaim do lunch and mother-daughter bonding

To witness such an lovely goddess )
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[Sep. 23rd, 2010|11:03 pm]

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WHO: Aglaia & Galahad
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Downtown Manhattan
WHAT: Your classic Damsel In Distress and Knight in Shining Armour scenario...
WARNINGS: attempted muggings ftl.

So I make way for some chaos )
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[Nov. 5th, 2009|07:08 pm]
[Current Mood |artistic]

Who: Willow Faye/Aglaia
What: Spending some time by herself and remembering the past.
Where: Her apartment.
When: Evening~
Warnings: None
Note: Poem credit goes to Emily Dickinson. &hearts

I'm nobody! )
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