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Forgotten Gods RPG

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Come Fire, Come Fire [Dec. 19th, 2010|04:43 pm]

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WHO: Percival ([info]percival) and Galahad ([info]psykhe)
WHAT: Confusing wakeups and confliction all around.
WHEN: Dated to the morning after the shooting.
WHERE: Mount Sinai hospital, Percival's room
WARNINGS: Angst. But what else is new?

Let it burn and love come racing through. )
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[Nov. 17th, 2010|10:23 am]

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Who: Badb and Galahad
Where: Badb's Shop
When: November 16, late afternoon
Rating/Warnings: None

Good little crow )
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I Cannot Save You [Nov. 14th, 2010|02:28 am]

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WHO: Galahad ([info]psykhe) and Percival ([info]percival) [completed log]
WHAT: Follows this phonecall. Someone needs to make something clear.
WHEN: Dated to Halloween night
WHERE: Starts in a cab, ends in Galahad's arms apartment.
WARNINGS: Awkwardness, eventual angst. Galahad being a thick prat. Percival riding the emotional rollercoaster. Stupid costumes.

I can't even save myself. )
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[Oct. 17th, 2010|04:59 pm]

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Who: Galahad [[info]psykhe] & Percival [[info]percival]
What: Old friends meeting up.
Where: NYC, a bar.
When: After this.
Warnings: TBD

it makes such an almighty sound )
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[Sep. 23rd, 2010|11:03 pm]

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WHO: Aglaia & Galahad
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Downtown Manhattan
WHAT: Your classic Damsel In Distress and Knight in Shining Armour scenario...
WARNINGS: attempted muggings ftl.

So I make way for some chaos )
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You'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet [Aug. 7th, 2010|04:44 pm]

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[Current Location |nyc]

Who: Galahad ([info]psykhe) & Tristan ([info]chivalryisdead)
What: Tristan is stalking a mark. Galahad is there for reasons that shall not be discussed at this juncture. Just a couple of knights catching up - sort of.
Where: Random diner, NYC
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: tba

I've the mind and hands of a sinner but the face of a prince )
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