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Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[Dec. 21st, 2008|11:24 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Gaheris and Sallie
Where: Central Park Reservoir
When: Evening, late.
Rating: TBD

Asleep in the arms of this slow swinging sea )
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[Dec. 20th, 2008|01:15 am]

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[Current Mood |stressed]

Who: Mordred, Morgause
Where: Gaheris' apartment
When: Evening
Rating/Warnings: Probably PG-13 for Mordred's mouth. ;P

and this child I would destroy )
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[Dec. 16th, 2008|07:03 pm]

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[Current Mood |rejected]

Who: Mordred, Alex, ???
Where: Three Sheets
When: December 15th, the wee hours.
Rating/Warnings: TBD

where do we go from here )
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|09:52 pm]

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[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Morgan, Mordred
Where: Morgan's apartment
When: Midnight, Dec. 14th
Rating/Warnings: F-bombs.

The phone rings around midnight. )
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[Dec. 13th, 2008|11:06 pm]
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[Current Mood |patient]

Who: Morgause/Mordred/Gaheris/Alex
Where: A table at a largely abandoned sidewalk cafe
When: Evening.
Rating/Warnings: PG or thereabouts Bumped up to an R now. Uh, yeah..

watching, waiting )
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[Dec. 13th, 2008|12:42 am]

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[Current Mood |thoughtful]
[Current Music |*#$& jingle bells]

Who: Mordred and Gaheris/OPEN
Where: Gaheris' pesthole apartment and environs.
When: December 12. Evening.
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Notes: Anybody who wants to waylay him on the walk home should feel free, provided it allows him to still get home the same night. :)

the homeless man and the prince of pride )
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[Nov. 17th, 2008|09:28 pm]

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Who: Annika and Alex
Where: Apartment
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG-13

homework blues )
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[Oct. 6th, 2008|12:42 am]

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[Current Mood |happy]

Who: Alex Moore, open
Where: In a convenience store somewhere in the vicinity of Three Sheets.
When: The wee small hours of Monday morning.
Rating: TBA.

the best thing about new york city is i love you )
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log [Sep. 7th, 2008|11:55 pm]

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Who: Alexander Moore and Mordred
Where: Alex's friend's apartment
When: Late Saturday night, following this
Rating/Warnings: Implied sex, some language.

and I ain't no fool for love songs that whisper in my ears )
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[Sep. 1st, 2008|11:14 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Alex and Open
Where: Three Sheets, because really, we haven't had enough action taking place in bars yet, right?
When: Saturday night.
Rating: TBA

to-night I'm gonna paint my face and dance away my blues / because I love a man who loves the company of women )
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[Aug. 31st, 2008|09:43 pm]
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[Current Mood |artistic]

Who: Morgan le Fey and Gaheris
Where: The gallery.
When: Late on Thursday night.
Rating: PG-13 for language.

old memories have faded, nearly all of them are lost )
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[Aug. 25th, 2008|10:19 pm]

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[Current Mood |lonely]

Who: Gaheris and open
Where: A bar. We're not picky.
When: The wee small hours of the morning.
Ratings: Will add if necessary.

I'm on my second cup of coffee and I still can't face the day )
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taking the plunge [Aug. 9th, 2008|09:22 am]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Mordred, Gawain, Gareth
Where: Various
When: Saturday
Rating/Warnings: We'll find out, won't we?

Two changes of clothes, a crate of books and a few necessary papers. )
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[Jul. 31st, 2008|02:10 pm]
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Who: Guinevere, Mordred - OPEN!
When: Thursday morning
Where: Carpe Noctem Cafe

A family reunion! )
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