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Forgotten Gods RPG

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and life flows on within you and without you [Oct. 14th, 2009|11:53 pm]
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Who: Marijuana & Heroin
When: Monday, 12 October
Where: Central Park, Lennon Memorial
What: A break from wedding planning, a romantic walk, and things that need to be said. Marijuana talks aspects with Heroin.
Warnings: tba

We were talking / About the space between us all /And the people / Who hide themselves behind a wall / Of illusion / Never glimpse the truth / Then it's far too late When they pass away )
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[Sep. 26th, 2009|05:39 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin.
What: Vacation shopping!
Where: Seattle, pet store.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Warnings: Possible language and drug use, fluff.

Which one do you think is the cutest? )
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[Sep. 12th, 2009|01:30 am]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin. Done over AIM and cleaned up for posting.
What: The emotional aftermath of the GHB attack on Morphine, what was done about it, and the family's subsequent betrayal.
Where: The Highway, their bedroom.
When: Friday evening.
Warnings: Language, references to violence/sexual assault. Angsty Drug Gods.

I don't know if I see us as a family any more, not a Drug Family, not an Opiate family. )
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[Aug. 29th, 2009|01:55 am]
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Who: Phaedra Paderborn [Morphine] & Hazel Brownstone [Heroin], NPC receptionist Martin.
Where: Doctor Paderborn's private practice, in Brooklyn.
When/What: Backdated to Thursday afternoon [August 27], lunch!
Warnings: ... Drug references? TBD. Long & descriptive set-up post.

they don't know you've lived/on the other side of the galaxy/she had a january world )
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[Aug. 28th, 2009|11:52 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin. Bit of Dave at the beginning, even smaller amount of Wes.
What: The aftermath of this meeting.
Where: The Highway.
When: Late Sunday night.
Warnings: R for violence, gore, drug use, angst.

This pain cancelled out the pain he caused by existing, by dealing himself and the hard drugs. )
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[Aug. 19th, 2009|09:44 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Heroin and the Marijuana Party (played by Kendra in this instance).
Where: Thomas' apartment, across the street from the Highway.
When: Friday evening.
Warnings: Possible language, definite drug use, extreme awkwardness.

Not that he was going to mention that little doozy to either of them. )
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|09:57 pm]
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WHO Heroin and Marijuana
WHEN Sunday, August 2
WHERE The Highway
WARNINGS Sexual content seems likely, probably some drug use. TBA.
WHAT Heroin surprises Marijuana with a photoshoot.

Somewhere along the line, Mari had become the sun—the light and the flower, the essence that made plants grow and that everything followed… the light that the moon reflected. )
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[Jul. 18th, 2009|02:15 pm]

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[Current Music |El Amor Que Calla (translated) - Gabriela Mistral]

Who: Marijuana and Heroin.
Where: Empire State Building, open-air promenade.
When: Monday, July 20th, late evening.
Warnings: Language, drug use, Marijuana on one knee.

If I hated you, I would give you my hate/In words, full and sure;/But I love you, and my love does not put faith/In mere words of men, so obscure. )
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[Jul. 11th, 2009|08:53 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin.
What: Opening ignored stores of power. Experimenting with truer forms.
Where: Highway, basement.
When: Late Saturday morning.
Warnings: Drug weirdness. Drug use. Language.

It wasn't drug power, it wasn't Marijuana, it was Cannabis. )
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[Jul. 10th, 2009|08:26 pm]
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Who: Opium and Heroin
Where: Opium’s Apartment
When: Wednesday, July 8th (backdated)
What: Dinner and catching up
Rating: TBD

Oily marks appear on walls )
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[Jun. 12th, 2009|06:44 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin.
Where: Heroin's cabin, the Adirondacks.
When: Start spans Thursday to Saturday, thread takes place Sunday evening.
Warnings: Language, drug use, sexuality. A ring (Not that one... yet).

At the role reversal. )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2009|10:51 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: The Highway
When: After this.
Warnings: Drug use, angst. Because these two just never get a break, do they?

Never thought I'd fill with desire/Never thought I'd feel so ashamed. )
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there's a hole in our soul that we fill with dope and we're feeling fine [May. 29th, 2009|12:19 am]

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[Current Music |i don't like the drugs - manson / drug ballad - eminem]

Who: Marijuana, Heroin, Rehabilitation.
What: The fall.
Where: The Highway.
When: Evening.
Warnings: Drug use, language.

'Cause every time I try to tell them 'no', they won't let me ever let them go. I'm a sucker, all I gotta say. These Drugs really got ahold of me. )
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[May. 26th, 2009|11:01 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Heroin and Adonis.
What: Marijuana has napped for too long. Heroin gets help.
Where: Briefly Adonis' apartment, then the Highway.
When: 4 AM
Warnings: Language, drug use, the Organic being greedy.

I haven't touched your brother since I gave him the best night of his existence back in the sixties. )
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[May. 25th, 2009|04:16 pm]

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Who: Heroin and Jazz
Where: Heroin's studio
When: Backdated to Sunday afternoon
Rating/Warnings: Expect language

playing that old sweet song )
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[May. 20th, 2009|07:38 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Dave's apartment
Warnings: Drug use, language, sexuality.

My cherry pie... )
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[May. 16th, 2009|11:40 pm]
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Who: Dylan Hayes and Heroin
What: Dylan sees god, but not in a mirror
When: Saturday evening
Where: The Highway

Frankly, he didn't get it. )
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[May. 16th, 2009|01:50 am]

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[Current Location |under the bed, the highway]
[Current Mood |bored]

Who: Harm & Heroin
Where: STILL under the bed
When: following Tracer's departure
Warnings: I'm bored as all hell

but she never once lost her head, even when she was giving head )
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There were thirst and hunger, and you were the fruit. [May. 15th, 2009|03:14 pm]

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[Current Music |the song of despair - pablo neruda]

Who: Marijuana and Heroin (tiny bit of Cam at the beginning)
Where: The Highway, apartment building across from the Highway
When: Friday, 8.
Warnings: Drug use, language, cuteness, possible sexuality.

There were grief and the ruins, and you were the miracle. )
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[May. 14th, 2009|03:43 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Heroin, Speed, Alcohol, Shrooms, Rehabilitation (offscreen). Open to the non-addictives if they'd like to pop in for a show.
Where: Mount Sinai Hospital: Narcotics Rehabilitation Center.
When: Thursday, 2 AM
Warnings: Extreme immorality. Drug use. Language. Setting a hospital on fire. Possible post-fire sexuality (wonder who?).

I don't like the Drugs but the Drugs like me. )

(OOC: Decided to go with comment placeholders for each 'narrative' for the sake of sequence and flow, hope that works with everyone.)
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