Forgotten Gods [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[May. 13th, 2009|07:38 pm]
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[Current Mood |high]

WHO: Paparazzi & Blues & Heroin
WHERE: 12 West 21st Street, between 5th and 6th Avenue; Club Discothèque
WHEN: 2pm, Wednesday afternoon.
WHAT: Formal meeting to plan out Blues performance
WARNINGS: TBA, language.

Scandal? Low on Wednesdays... )
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[May. 8th, 2009|11:27 am]

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[Current Music |sweetest perfection - depeche mode]

Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Drive-in theater, blanket under the stars.
When: Friday evening.
Warnings: Overdose (heh) of cuteness. Drug use and sexuality.

Sweetest perfection, to call my own. )
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Who put the flower in the barrel of that gun? [Apr. 29th, 2009|10:45 am]

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Who: Sato & Heroin
What: Making amends/friends/trouble
Where: LuDo Art Center, ikebana classroom (following into the downstairs cafe)
When: (backdated) Tuesday, early afternoon

Sato liked flowers. )
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[Apr. 27th, 2009|07:16 pm]
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[Current Mood |worried]

WHO Grunge and Heroin.
WHERE Café Beignet.
WHEN Monday afternoon.
WHAT Heroin has to confess to Grunge, and it’s harder than he expected.

I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground. I'm like an opening band for the sun. Push me, pull me. I've had enough, said enough, felt enough, I'm fine, still in it. )
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[Apr. 26th, 2009|03:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |anxious]

WHO: Marijuana and Heroin.
WHAT: The first date.
WHERE: Heroin's apartment with rooftop interlude.
WHEN: Sunday, evening
WARNINGS: Excessive cuteness, do not proceed without copious amounts of lysol and a good dental plan. Oh, and probably drug use.

Sun lights up the day time, moon lights up the night. I light up when you call my name. )
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[Apr. 19th, 2009|06:10 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Heroin, LSD, Speed, Shrooms, Classic Rock, Ether, Laudanum, Flora, Noche, iPod, Pasithea, Raven, LGBTQ Culture, Media, Adonis, College, Icarus, the Democratic Party. Will edit as needed. NPCs: Dave, Cam, Wes, Matt (Marijuana), Mischa (Sato), Faith (Shrooms), Maria and Kris (Heroin).
Where: Warehouse by the docks
When: April 20th
Warnings: Drugs (duh), alcohol, possible sexuality.

Last dance with Mary Jane... )
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[Apr. 17th, 2009|01:13 am]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Heroin's studio
When: Thursday evening
Warnings: Angst-free Heroin/MJ. That deserves a warning.

He could feel his brother in every note, every word, every little sound. )
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[Apr. 6th, 2009|04:26 pm]
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Who: Heroin and Grunge
What: A meeting between ex-lovers.
Where: Café Beignet around the corner from Heroin’s studio.
When: Saturday, 4 April 2009, 10 AM
Warnings: Probable discussion of drug use, everything else is tbd.

What’s gone wrong? I can’t see straight. Been too long, so full of hate. )
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[Apr. 1st, 2009|08:24 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Boonville, cabin near the Adirondack
When: Evening
Warnings: Possible drug use, language, unstable drug gods.

Who could handle this kind of bubbling, boiling, hurting, destroying black tar? )
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|06:52 pm]
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Who: The Drug Gods and close friends
What: A movie marathon with the drug family.
Where: Heroin's apartment
When: Sunday evening

I'm not the one that you want, the one that you need. My love is like a fucking disease you can give me your hand, you can make your amends. )
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[Mar. 27th, 2009|06:48 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Spa, mud bath
When: Late afternoon
Warnings: Possible language, general silliness

This is home to me. )
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[Mar. 27th, 2009|01:16 pm]
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Who: Coke and Heroin
Where: Tat2 Lounge
When: Backdated to Wednesday Evening
What: Catching up.
Warnings: Drug use, Alcohol

It was like having so much to say but having nothing to say at all )
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[Mar. 24th, 2009|07:15 pm]

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Who: Dave Henderson, Heroin, Shrooms... Speed? Marijuana eventually.
Where: The Highway
When: Two hours after being taken
Warnings: Drug use, language, perhaps violence.

Still high but not high enough. )
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[Mar. 21st, 2009|10:42 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Heroin's apartment
When: Mid-evening
Warnings: Drug use, possible language.

Marijuana stuffed his backpack with tupperware containers filled with the products of his stress baking before leaving. )
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[Mar. 4th, 2009|07:58 pm]

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Who Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Heroin's apartment
When: Evening
Warnings: Drugs, language.

Marijuana hated burning out. )
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[Feb. 27th, 2009|12:13 am]

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Who: Marijuana and Heroin
Where: Highway basement
When: Evening
Warnings: Hard drug use.

Marijuana was stuck. )
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[Feb. 23rd, 2009|09:50 pm]

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Who Shrooms, Jord, Marijuana's dead body/alive!Marijuana, Heroin, Flora, Death, Dave Henderson. Umm, open to friendlies, I suppose?
Where: Highway basement
When: Monday evening
Warnings: Death, hard drugs, language.

Marc's body was lying in a pile of dirt that had spilled from the wall as Dave tore off a piece of dry wall )
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when the smack begins to flow, then I really don't care anymore [Feb. 21st, 2009|01:50 am]

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Who: Heroin and LSD
What: LSD makes nice with his big brother
Where: Outside Heroin's recording studio.
When: late evening
Warnings: drug use, chupa chups

Read more... )
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[Feb. 14th, 2009|06:15 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Shrooms, LSD, Speed and Heroin. Also open to other drug siblings and friends of the family
Where: The Highway
When: Saturday Night
Warnings: Drugs and alcohol at the very least.

the hash brownies were always a big success. )
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[Feb. 11th, 2009|06:43 pm]
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Who: Shrooms and Mari, open to any other drug siblings who want to come in.
What: Dinner.
Where: The Highway.
When: Early Evening
Rating: TBA - Drug use is a given.

That was really the entire point. )
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