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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[May. 26th, 2011|07:47 pm]
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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) & Eros ([info]fallinlove)
Where: Eros' workplace (Burgers), Queens
When: Thursday evening
Rating/Warnings: TBD

O sole mio~ )
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[May. 24th, 2011|07:40 pm]

Who: Raijin
When: 5pm, after toll announcement
Where: entrance to B train terminal
What: Trying to get home, hasn't heard the toll requirements

When it rains, it pours )
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[May. 24th, 2011|07:32 pm]

Who: Athena
When: After toll announcement
Where: Outside Athena's apartment building on the curb
What: An offering, headed to Highway's office

Peace Talks )
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[May. 20th, 2011|01:28 pm]


Who: Mania [Narrative]
Where: An apartment in Brooklyn
When: Wednesday evening
What: Don't drink the water, kids.

Mania rises at the crack of dusk. )
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It's passed on down the line until we heal the wounds inside. [May. 15th, 2011|03:00 am]


Who: Michael ([info]_agape_)
What: Drifting between churches.
Where: Queens, NY.
When: Throughout May.
Warnings: N/A

And they cry, and they call, as the wayward walk alone. )
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[May. 7th, 2011|06:07 pm]

Who: Kamakhya Bhairavi (Kali) & Open to Any and All
What: Guerilla dance party, take 1, aka, lead-up to something bigger, aka, Tess spamming your f-page like whoa because hi, Saturday, how you doin'
When: Saturday night, May 7 2011.
Where: Central Park
Warnings: TBA.

Time to throw some rocks in the pond. )
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[Apr. 23rd, 2011|12:54 am]


Who: Hestia and OPEN
Where: Hestia's shop, Eskhara Bakery
When: Thursday morning
Warnings: TBD

For not without you are banquets held by mortals. )
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[Apr. 19th, 2011|11:28 pm]
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Who: Susannah Ironwood (NPC), Hati & Skoll and Open!
Where: Imagination Playground, Burling Slip - Lower Manhattan
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Kid needs activities.
Warnings: See who. And depends who happens to be in the area.

I don't want little people living in my archway! )
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[Apr. 12th, 2011|11:22 pm]

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Who: Thysa and Eros
Where: Bars
When: Monday Night
Warnings: it's Thysa and Eros?

Darkness had settled on the street like a blanket of stars, lit with the myriad lights of the city. )
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Oh, you sure don't make it easy to get myself to safety [Apr. 11th, 2011|05:38 pm]


Who: Wall Street ([info]upanddown) [Narrative; mentions of Capitalism ([info]laissez_faire) and small cameo by Tax ([info]mr_revenue)]
What: I don't own anything, not even myself.
Where: Rooftop of Vernand & Co. building, NYC
When: Monday, 11 April 2011
Warnings: n/a

You tell me that I'm crazy but you're the one who makes me this way )
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[Apr. 1st, 2011|07:47 pm]

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Who: Eater and anyone in Central Park, NYC
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Central Park, NYC
What: Enjoying a spring day
Rating: TBD
Open?: Yes please

Read More... )
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We can spend some time together [Apr. 1st, 2011|04:46 pm]

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Who: Pride ([info]_superbia_) & Wrath ([info]irascibility); OPEN to Sins
What: There are so many movies worth watching out there and they end up watching - wait for it - Sucker Punch.
Where: LA
When: Friday, 1 April 2011
Warnings: Language for now.

So figure it out, let's go )
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[Mar. 29th, 2011|10:42 am]

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Who: Coal ([info]blacklung) and Wind Power ([info]unfettered)
When: Tuesday, March 29th
Where: Coal's homestead, PA
What: Just like old times

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They think that your early ending was all wrong [Mar. 9th, 2011|08:09 am]

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Who: Coal, US Military, Nuclear Power
What: Whatsa matter with you?
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania

For the most part they're right. But look how they all got strong. )
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Sometimes it's like someone took a knife edgy and dull [Mar. 4th, 2011|01:40 pm]


Who: Coal
What: Turning out the lights
When: Friday night
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania

And carved a six inch valley through the middle of my soul )
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[Mar. 3rd, 2011|10:11 am]


Who: The Carnival God & Stanley Bates [NPC] ([info]theteninone)
What: A change of seasons.
When: Thursday, 3/3.
Where: Midway Plaisance's winter home: Gibsonton, FL.
Warnings: Meh.

They'd be back on the road, soon. )
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There are only two certainties in life. [Mar. 1st, 2011|01:56 pm]
Who: Tax
What: Gathering for the great deity audit of 2011.
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Starbucks across the country

Death and taxes. )
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Well who am I? A cold shoulder left to cry [Feb. 25th, 2011|04:16 pm]


Who: Satan
What: Court
When: Friday morning
Where: New York City, Queens County Courthouse
Warnings: Damnation

You feel foul so do I. Yeah, so do I. )
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I've got a new low. [Feb. 24th, 2011|09:25 am]


Who: Big Tobacco with mentions of Deimos
What: March Madness is approaching
When: Thursday, Mid Afternoon
Where: Madison, Wisconsin; organized Union protests
Warnings: It's Big T.

All 52 cards in a row. )
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Close your eyes, open up - no need to be afraid, I hear you calling. [Feb. 18th, 2011|10:53 pm]

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[Current Music |Armin Van Buuren ft. VanVelzen - Take Me Where I Wanna Go]

Who: Death ([info]_memento_mori_) & Nuclear Power/Chaos Theory ([info]brighter_tmrw)
What: Hey, don't I recognise you? It's been a while - how have you been?
Where: On the streets of Manhattan.
When: Friday evening.
Warnings: N/A

You tell me what I need to know - it keeps me holding on. )
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