Forgotten Gods - August 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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August 28th, 2010

[Aug. 28th, 2010|03:47 am]

Who: Ketamine [Narrative]
What: An isolation tank and exploring the quantum mind.
When: Afternoon of August 26th/morning of August 27th.
Where: Maui, Hawaii
Warning: Trippiness?

who dreamt and made incarnate gaps in Time & Space through images juxtaposed )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|06:50 am]

Who: Alcohol ([info]aquavitae)
What: About that time you hired someone to set me on fire.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: Big T's office in Washington, DC.
Warnings: None.

It was blatantly unprofessional and awkward as hell, but that's Mr. Reynolds and that's Ms. Ethel. )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|11:20 am]


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Who: Indie ([info]pseudoelitism) & Punk ([info]oioioi)
What: Checking in.
Where: The 33rd Floor, SoHo.
When: Early afternoon, August 26.
Warnings: Language for Punk.

If pressed, Joey wouldn't have been able to say what made him think 'time to make the rounds'. )
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I know what you're thinking [Aug. 28th, 2010|05:06 pm]



Who: Zeus ([info]rules_them_all)
What: Goodbye, love.
Where: Restaurant in a big city
When: Saturday
Warnings: None

But darling you're not thinking straight )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|06:39 pm]

Who: Mark and Layla
What: Layla seeks Mark out after Glenn Beck's 'I Have A Scheme' speech
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Washington DC
Warnings: None

We love you, you're just... very much a white male sometimes. )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|06:43 pm]
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WHO: Hockey & Figure Skating
WHEN: Friday night, 27 August
WHERE: Figure Skating’s apartment in NYC
WHAT: Hockey was in a bachelor auction; Figure Skating didn't buy him and it's all about the woman who did.

Her first look at the cheap blonde in the tacky dress was when the puckbunny draped herself all over Hockey )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|06:49 pm]


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Who: Glibt and Mark.
What: A Talk.
Where: Brownstone 2.0
When: Saturday, late evening.
Warnings: Possible language, alcohol use, discussion of homophobia, racism, and slavery.

What are you working on? )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|08:44 pm]

Who: Namtar (NPC; [info]no_linen_shroud) [narrative]
When: Throughout August
Where: Irkalla

Seven gates and seven bolts, all forgetful of the honor and duty. )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|09:39 pm]
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Who: Bret and Tommy
What: The first of a few revelations about Tommy's family.
When: Monday, August 30th; around noon.
Where: Theatre Row Diner on 42nd Street
Warning: Is "adorableness and fluff" a warning?

He'd promised Tommy a real date and a real date was exactly what the other boy was going to get. )
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|10:09 pm]

Who: Elena Torres, Eddie Carlson (NPC)
Where: The cult's temple
When: Saturday morning
What: Two mortals, talking about the gods

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