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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Aug. 28th, 2010|06:43 pm]
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WHO: Hockey & Figure Skating
WHEN: Friday night, 27 August
WHERE: Figure Skating’s apartment in NYC
WHAT: Hockey was in a bachelor auction; Figure Skating didn't buy him and it's all about the woman who did.

Her first look at the cheap blonde in the tacky dress was when the puckbunny draped herself all over Hockey )
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|11:28 pm]
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Who: Hockey and Figure Skating.
What: The NHL Awards, then the after-party.
Where: Las Vegas.
When: June 23rd.
Warnings: Possible language and alcohol.

It was his night. )
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[May. 26th, 2010|03:02 am]
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Who: Hockey and Figure Skating, short completed scene.
What: Leaving for NYC.
Where: Niagara Falls hotel room.
When: Tuesday evening.
Warnings: Language.

Blade to the face, slapshot to the face, either or. )
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[Apr. 6th, 2010|02:18 pm]
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Who: Hockey and Figure Skating.
What: Hockey returns from his road trip.
Where: Figure Skating's apartment.
When: Late Tuesday night.
Warnings: Possible language, sexuality.

Miss me? )
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[Mar. 5th, 2010|09:23 am]
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Who: Hockey and Figure Skating.
What: Hockey hates Johnny Weir.
Where: Figure Skating's apartment.
When: Late evening; around 11:30.
Warnings: Possible language, sports homophobia, will update as needed.

He didn't want to want Figure Skating. )
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[Mar. 1st, 2010|01:09 am]
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[Current Music |O Canada! (French version)]

Who: Hockey and Figure Skating (partially AIMed scene to be finished via thread).
What: Gold medal celebration and the morning after.
Where: Motel just outside Buffalo.
When: February 28th/March 1st.
Warnings: A lot of alcohol, minor sexuality, likely language and homophobia within the comments.
Notes: Hockey's italicized dialogue is in French, as I am lazy and don't trust my high school French.

Thank Orr for Molson Canadian and Sidney Crosby. )
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[Feb. 15th, 2010|04:54 pm]
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Who: Hockey and Figure Skating.
What: Brotherly bonding. Kind of.
When: Tuesday night, during the Men's Short Program.
Where: Hockey's apartment.
Warnings: Language, alcohol, suggestive comments from Figure Skating, uncomfortable deflections from Hockey.

That didn't mean, however, that he'd take off his Team Canada jersey. )
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