Forgotten Gods - November 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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November 15th, 2009

[Nov. 15th, 2009|12:50 am]
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Who: Morpheus and Athena
What: outing.
Where: New York - Morpheus' home and a small stables outside the city
When: Backdated to Halloween.

He dreams in colors the world has never seen )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|05:32 am]


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Who: Notus and OPEN
What: Drinking, socializing, Notus being Notus...
Where: Random Manhattan bar
When: Saturday night

Notus didn't drink very often. )

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[Nov. 15th, 2009|12:57 pm]


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Who: Johnny Reb and Emo
Where: The house in Memphis
When: Backdated to shortly after they went paintballing
What: Serious discussions in unconventional places
Warnings: Well, they're in the shower, so: nudity, language, mentions of sex, and discussion of self-injury.

Blue paint -- blue, of all colors! )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|01:07 pm]
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Who: Dionysus + OPEN~!
Where: Maenad -- Dionysus' new WINE ONLY bar 8D
When: Sunday evening
What: Dionysus opens his newest business venture to the public and of course, all of the gods, new and old, get first dibs. Assume everyone got a casual invite by word of mouth. Dress fancy =D
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, lol. Also, when Dionysus is around people feel compelled to party. TBD.


Drink to days gone by. )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|02:04 pm]


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Who: Big Tobacco and Big Oil
What: Not even Texas is big enough for these egos.
Where: Big Oil’s huge sprawling house-thing
When: Backdated to November 7th.

Hoooooooome, hooooooooooome on the range! )
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My Obsession [OPEN Log] [Nov. 15th, 2009|02:22 pm]
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[Current Music |"My Obsession" by Cinema Bizarre]

Who: Sasha [info]bohem_rhapsody  + OPEN
What: Sasha is out wandering around New York for anyone that would like to find him
Where: New York
When: Sunday, November 15th

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Cause I'll tell you everything about living free [Nov. 15th, 2009|03:58 pm]


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Who: Phobos and Medusa
What: Heading back South
Where: NYC limits
When: Sunday, early evening and beyond

You don't need to know what I do all day, It's as much as I know watch it waste away )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|10:14 pm]


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Who: Marijuana and High School (both Sean and Courtney).
Where: High School's apartment.
When: Sunday, midmorning.
Warnings: Language, drug use.

Now, they mattered and so did keeping up a friendly relationship with them. )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|11:08 pm]



Who: Jesse and Mary James, and maybe Laura
What: Cosmopolitan. That is all. aka, I got bored. Also! Admire new!Mary!
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The James house
Warnings: None!

Daddy!! )
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