May. 2nd, 2012


Is it sad that I almost forgot my own birthday today? I appreciate everyone wishing me well and reminding me. It's good to know I have people who care here.


Happy Birthday Iliana. I didn't even know it was your birthday, I'm sorry.

[Private to Iliana]
maybe we could have lunch or something?

[Private to Poppy]
You're not a monster, I was wrong.


Happy Birthday Iliana.

[Private to Keller]
I'm thinking of joining the Guard group; I can't just sit around and let vampires kill innocent people.

Mar. 14th, 2012


Maybe Iliana wants nothing to do with me anymore..

You need new movies man.

Mar. 4th, 2012


Iliana, Keller- I'm sorry for letting the sin take a hold of me and for what I said and how I acted. I still don't see why I have to apologize when it wasn't technically my fault.

Feb. 26th, 2012


Alright. I can't believe I'm saying this... It's about high time I made my own decision about something, and I've decided this obsession with sex everyone has must be some sort of sign. As much as it's new to me, I can't take it anymore.

So, is there anyone who might want to teach me some things? I'm a pretty fast learner, and more than capable of keeping up.


You know what? I don't want to be a princess, and I don't want to run a country. I can't do this. How about I just go back to sleep and let someone else deal with this?


I'm a god damn prince, I deserve all of her attention all the time. I demand it.

Jan. 27th, 2012


Filtered to: Morgead Blackthorn, Thea Harman, Rashel Jordan, John Quinn, Ash Redfern, Jez Redfern, Eric Ross and Hannah Snow. Viewable to existing members of Circle Daybreak

(If I missed anyone who is a Daybreaker by the end of Witchlight, please let me know and they can go ahead and reply. I'll add them to the filter.)

If you are seeing this and you don't know why, then in my time you are a member of Circle Daybreak. In light of everything going on now, we really need to build our ranks, so if you are interested please let me know.

Daybreakers who are already members, if there is anyone here who never officially joined, but you think they would be an asset to our cause, please feel free to invite them. Be careful who you invite, though. We don't need it getting to the wrong people.

Thierry, you're welcome to invite Hellewise. I will leave that up to you since you know her personally.

(I'm going through and replying with Quinn, Jez and Hannah. If anyone wishes to respond to their comments so I'm not talking to myself, please do.)

Jan. 26th, 2012


Hugh? Can anyone tell me what's going on? I have some really important like world saving business to take care of.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Please make it stop.

Jan. 17th, 2012


Filtered to Circle Daybreak members

(This is only viewable to people who know that they are members of the organization at their time. Others will be approached later.)

Galen and I were talking about re-establishing Circle Daybreak here. I'm only posting to people who know they were members so that we can figure out who is from what time and who we need to give other information to. So if you could please give us an idea of what's going on when you're from, that would help.

Lord Thierry, I have heard that you are around and you are more than welcome to take the reigns from here. I just wanted to get this started.

Jan. 18th, 2012


This can't be happening. Send me home now.

Jan. 17th, 2012


Soooo, this is the second time I've been rudely pulled away from what I was doing rather abruptly. I really hope this isn't some lame kidnapping attempt. I have things to do back home. Like save the world, for one. Make a sale at the mall, for two.

Don't make me use the blue stuff on you.


Really? Not even a little break?


What on earth? I was just in Rio with Millie and now I'm here?
Why can't I jump out of here?
Millie? Griffin?

Jan. 16th, 2012


Uh, Julian?
Did you know you have a severed blonde head in your kitchen freezer?

Does anyone know anyone with blonde hair and blue eyes? Shes pretty, too. Pale, but not in the dead way, in the way that she was pale before hand.

[Filtered to Lissa]
I just found a severed head in the freezer... What. The. Fuck.

April 2014




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